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 ♪Love - Lana Del Rey♪


"Oh my God. It was actually unreal." I said, dreamily, sipping on my caramel frappuccino. It was Friday evening and I was sitting in the local Starbucks, opposite Nora. We were going to meet with Vivi but something came up. So it was just me and Nora.

We were sat at a two-person table next to a window, daylight streaming through it, not a lot of it, though, it was cloudy outside and starting to get dark. We'd come straight from school so I could tell Nora about everything that happened with Xander yesterday.

"Do you think you'd have kissed? You know, if his mum hadn't interrupted you?" She leaned in, her dark hair swinging by her shoulders as she moved. I knew she was desperate to get in on all the goss. Vivi was going to be regretting her life decisions when I let her know what she'd missed out on.

"I don't know, maybe." Thoughts of what could have been started filling my head, one what if after another. What if his family wasn't home? What if his mum hadn't asked if we wanted food?

"So he likes you?" She spoke again, cutting me out of my daydreams.

"Well, I think so, I mean, he stayed close to me way longer than he needed to."

"I think he likes you. He'd be crazy not to - you're so stunning." I blushed at her words. I knew I wasn't unattractive and I was confident with my looks. Never would I have gone as far as the word stunning though.

"Aw thanks, but seriously that's you." She really was as well. Her dark chocolate brown hair contrasted beautifully with her pale skin and her lips were plump, her brown eyes big. They were lined with naturally thick lashes. It'd surprised me when she'd told me she didn't have a boyfriend.

"You're so sweet." She lent over the table to give me a hug and I nearly knocked over my frappuccino in the process of trying to hug her back. Luckily, it was now empty so it wouldn't have mattered even if I did spill it.

Gesturing to mine and Nora's empty cups, I said, "Think we should go now, do you wanna take a selfie so we can let Vivi know what she missed out on?"

"Yeah, definitely."

We lent close together, holding up our cups, and I pulled my phone to take the photo. After I'd taken a few, I got them up so we could look through them.

"These are so cute!" Nora exclaimed. "Send them to me later?"

"Yeah, will do." I put my phone back into my pocket.

We gathered out things then when to throw our cups in the bin before leaving. The cold air hit me as soon as we got outside, blowing my hair every-which-way, making me wish it was it was short like Nora's.

As I went to walk in the direction of the bus stop - we both lived near each other so we could get the same one - Nora stopped me.

"I know I said I was gonna get the bus home with you but something's come up."

"Oh, well where you going then?" I asked, confused.

"I'm going to a friend's - she likes here and she really needs me right now."

I nodded.

"Okay, well, do you want me to wait or go with you?" I asked, knowing she probably wouldn't; I may not have known what the situation was but it seemed private. It didn't hurt to ask anyway, though.

"No, it's fine. I think she wants to speak to me alone. I'll see you at the Halloween party, though, right?"

"I don't know, I'll text you about it later - 'kay? I've got to go get the bus now so I don't miss it."

She pulled me into a quick hug before we both waved goodbye as I ran carefully to the bus stop.


"I'm home!" I shouted as I chucked my bag down on a coffee table that had been placed by the door.

I walked down the hall then ran up the stairs, wanting to get to my bedroom before anyone saw me to avoid annoying questions. Like "how was your day?", "did you enjoy school?", "was it fun seeing your friends?"

I knew the answers to these by heart: good, what do you think? and of course.

Shutting my bedroom door behind me, I collapsed onto my bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

I had four new texts from Vivi.

They read:

"Omg, Nora just send me a photo of you two saying I missed some huge drama."

"Come on, SPILL."

"PLEASE! I can't be left in suspense like this it's bad for the brain."

"Also you can come to the party on Halloween right?"

Sighing, I texted her back saying I'd tell her in a bit, even though I knew that would piss her off but I had to talk to my mum about the party so I could finally give them an answer.

I trampled back downstairs, dreading the conversation I was about to have. It was going to be difficult to get her to let me go. She didn't really want me to go out at all because she wanted me to be revising. However, there was no way she could keep me trapped inside but she could stop me from going somewhere I might get drunk. It was going to be half term soon, however, so there was more of a chance she'd say yes.

Finding her in the kitchen, I approached her cautiously, my bare feet tapping gently on the wooden floor. She was by the stove, cooking dinner, her caramel hair tied up into a messy bun as not to get any hair in the food.

"Hey mum," I said, leaning against the counter next to her.

"Hi." She glanced over at me for a second before returning to the cooking. "How was your day?"

I rolled my eyes. "It was good thanks."

After a few moments of me standing there, expectantly, next to her, she turned to face me, leaving the food sitting on the stove. I smiled at her.

"What do you want?" She asked me, taking the no bullshit approach. I was kind of hoping she would take the sweetness until I asked but she knew me too well. She was my mother after all.

"Well, there's this party for Halloween and I really want to go."

"You need to revise." She responded quickly and unwaveringly. This was exactly how I suspected her response to be, though.

"I know and I promise to revise on other days but can I please just go have fun with my friends?"

"You can meet them on other days, can't you? You don't need to go to a party. I don't want you drinking while you need to revise." Again, she responded as suspected. I got her approach, drugs and alcohol are all bad while exams are going on. It was only my first year however so I didn't see why it needed to be so strict now.

"I won't drink," I said, going along with it. If being allowed to go to the party meant I couldn't drink at it so be it; I didn't need any alcohol to have a fun time.

"Well, okay. tell me the time and address and I'll take you."

A smile spread onto my face as I pulled my mum into a big huge.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said before letting go and running back upstairs to tell everyone the good news.


Hellooooo! And another chapter is up :)

What do you guys think about the way Mei's mum reacted to the news about the party? And who do you think Nora is meeting?

Another chapter will be out next Sunday but if you can't wait that long you can follow me on Twitter at siennafreya or Tumblr and Instagram at siennafreyja!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT - I don't bite.

Bye for now.

The Diary Of A Teenage Girl [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang