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♪Clean - Taylor Swift♪

"I think I've gone crazy," I said as soon as Vivi picked up the phone.

I was sitting in front of a window looking out on the drive leading up to my house, watching as the trees flailed around in the wind.

"No, dear, that happened a long time ago." Her response was quick, forever effortlessly sassy.

"No, seriously, for real this time."

Putting on some wet-shoes mum had excitedly bought me when I'd first told her I was going to start kayaking, I continued to contemplate my life decisions. Today was going to be the day I faced my fears, the day I stopped running from sport and the day I stopped running from Xander.

"Okay then, what are you doing that is so mind-blowingly crazy?" She asked me.

"I'm going kayaking." I got up and put my backpack on.

"Fucking hell, Mei, have you seen how windy it is outside?" Vivi's jaw must've dropped to the group.

"I told you I was crazy." Continuing my journey to the kayak club, I opened the door, grabbing a coat on my way out.

"Isn't Xander going to be there?"

"I don't know, don't care if he is." I started walking to the bus stop.

"Fair enough. Anything else you want to tell me?" She sounded impatient. I wondered if there was something else she was waiting to do or if I'd interrupted her when she was doing something.

"No other than you should be very proud of me and I'll let you know how this goes later."

By the time I'd hung up the phone, the bus at turned up at the bus stop so I hopped on, trying not to overthink what I was about to do and refusing to give up. It was too late to turn back now anyway.

The ride to the club didn't take as long as I thought it would so I almost missed my stop, unsure where to get off having never gone to the club from my house before, but I knew I was at the right place when I saw the river.

Cold air hit me as soon as I got off the bus, the wind blowing at me in huge gusts. My thick coat only protected me slightly and I tried not to think about how much colder it was going to be if I actually got on the water when I wouldn't be able to wear my coat. I hadn't come very well prepared. Note to self: if I get up the courage to come again and am not completely scarred from this experience bring a jumper and wear a waterproof coat over it to keep it dry, oh, and bring waterproof trousers.

Right now, I was wearing my cropped hoodie with some thick workout leggings with the puffa jacket on top. It seemed like a good idea at the time but now it was seeming like a really shit one. The jumper was definitely not warm enough and wasn't going to dry if it got wet. Fortunately, I had enough brains to bring spare clothes.

I wondered if anyone at the club would have any spare warm kayak gear they could lend me, I even started to wonder if maybe Xander would but then quickly shoved the idea to the back of my mind. I didn't know if he was going to be here and if he was I didn't want to see him.

The clubhouse reared into view as I approached it and I could see people busy getting boats out and getting gear ready. Some people had boats similar to the one I had been practising in with Xander but others had skinny pointy ones I hadn't seen before. They reminded me of the boats used in rowing.

"Hello!" Someone called out as I walked along the gravel leading to the entrance of the building. I looked around, wondering if they were talking to me and it became clear they were when they walked up to me. "Are you new?"

The Diary Of A Teenage Girl [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now