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♪Delicate by Taylor Swift♪


I sat on one of the stone benches, to the side of the school parking lot, using one hand to text Vivi. The other was up in a sling, resting against my shoulder; I'd managed to sprain my wrist when I fell.

After notifying Vivi that I was still waiting for Xander, I put my phone away in my coat pocket, I'd realised after yesterday that I'd need to start wearing one. I met Vivi in a free, yesterday, for coffee, to fill her in on the day's events. Needless to say, she was even more excited than I was. I found friends were often like that - getting more excited about good things happening to you than even you were.

Looking out at the car park, I searched the lines of cars looking for a mop of dark brown hair to pop out between them but I had no luck. Where is he? I so should have got his phone number. I got my phone out of my pocket again to read the time. 8:40. If he doesn't turn up soon, I'm going to be late. I put my phone in my pocket and zipped up my coat. Then I pulled up my hood as a cold gust of wind blew into my face.

I got up to leave and started walking away when I felt someone tug on my undamaged hand, stopping in my tracks. I turned around, coming face to face with Xander, just inches away from him. My heart started to pitter-patter in my chest and my breathing became shallow. I had to take a step back so I could start to breathe normally again. He smiled at me, his ocean blue eyes twinkling in the morning light.

"Hey," he said, leaning towards me slightly, his voice deeper than normal.

"Hi," I managed to say back, my voice coming out in a high-pitched squeak from our still pretty close proximity.

"So I think this experience has shown that I need your phone number. I've made you a contact you just need to write your number here." He passed me his phone, gesturing to space on the screen where I could type. I took it, trying to stop my hand from shaking so he wouldn't realise how nervous I was - and so I wouldn't drop his phone. Snap out of it, Mei, you are not usually this awkward.

I typed in my number quickly but carefully before passing it back to him and getting out my own phone out so I can have his number too. He just shook his head at me.

"I'll just text you, it's easier and quicker - we don't have a lot of time," he clarified after probably seeing a befuddled expression overcome my face. I shrugged my shoulders, putting my phone back in my pocket for like the fourth time in the last five minutes.

"So," he said. "How long do you have to keep your hand like that?" He pointed to my sling.

"About a month. Apparently, I sprained it."

"No kayaking for now, then?" He laughed. He had a nice laugh, I thought.

"Definitely not." I laughed too. There was something funny about our plan being ruined by something that happened so quickly and easily. There goes my opportunity to actually do some sport.

"So we start next month?"

I nodded, solemnly, then did a double take. Wait, what? Next month?

"Unless you don't want to anymore?" He said, laughing again, but this time at my reaction.

I shook my head. "No, I still want to but-" I stopped mid-sentence not really knowing how I was planning on finishing it. "I just thought-" I stopped again, still not finding the right words.

He continued laughing. "It's fine, you don't have to explain yourself. I do need to know if you're up to starting kayaking next month."

"Yeah, next month is fine," I said, giving up my quest of trying to put what I was thinking into words.

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