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  ♪Bad Blood - Taylor Swift♪

I leant towards Vivi, surreptitiously.

We were sat in photography, all three of us at the table in a line. Nora was next to Vivi because the tension between us was still high. It had been a week since I'd found out she'd lied and I'd told her I was fine with it. But now I was lying, not only to her but to myself as well.

"I have a boyfriend," I whispered, the photography teacher sending me devil eyes as I spoke. There was a high possibility that I would get into trouble for this but the excitement was actually too much for me.

"Wait - what the fuck? I thought you guys were fighting?" Vivi screeched at me while Nora stayed completely silent. It was a tricky predicament for her, to be fair, one of her best friends was the ex of her other best friend's boyfriend.

"I'll tell you when she's stopped speaking."

Then we both shut up, deciding the gossip wasn't worth the detention we'd get.

The teacher gave us the go-ahead to start our work so I pulled my sketchbook out and continued with setting out my mood board as Vivi watched me, expectantly. I looked to her to start recounting my story.

"Xander and I kissed." I blurted it out, all at once. When planning out how I was going to tell them this, I'd thought I'd drag it out, make them wait a little. I couldn't contain it, though. I hadn't told anyone else yet and I'd been keeping it in for three days, trying not to think about it while I revised. Now that was self-control.

What I'd said had managed to catch the attention of both Vivi and Nora and they both stared at me, dumbfounded, their mouths hanging open. They didn't even say anything.

"You know at the party?"

Vivi composed herself first. "Wait so you guys went to talk it out and kissed?! I'm so glad I made you go."

I nodded in answer to her rhetorical question and in agreement. I was glad she made me go too. If she hadn't, none of this would have happened.

"So what was it like?" She launched into full-on fangirl mode.

A blush started to creep onto my cheeks at the memory of it all and the thought of recounting it made the blush even darker.

"I don't really know how to describe it without sounding like I'm from a cheesy movie."

"I like cheesy movies," Vivi shot back.

"Well, it was like everything else disappeared and time stopped." I giggled.

"Oh my god, that really is like a cheesy movie." Vivi started to giggle too but I noticed that Nora was staying quiet.

For the rest of the lesson, we carried on working away at our project and I managed to finally finish my mood board and started to feel like I was catching up with everyone else. Vivi and I continued to gossip. She told me she'd met a guy who she said, and I quote, "was fit af."

"What you got next?" I asked Vivi after the bell sounded.

"Drama, what about you?"

"Maths, I'll see you in a bit, then, yeah?" I gave her a hug before we left the classroom and went our separate ways.

I started to feel the urge to pee so I quickly stepped into the bathroom, deciding it's better to go now and be slightly late then holding and having to go in a lesson.

Just as I was about to leave the stall to wash my hands, I heard the door creak open then slam shut behind whoever had just walked in and two girls started to talk loudly.

"What the fuck?" One of them screamed. Well, someone's angry.

I moved to open the door, hoping to slip out before things got more heated but then the girl shouted again, stopping me dead in my tracks.

"So, she's dating Xander, now?"

Who the hell's talking about me and Xander and how do they even know I was dating? Did someone overhear me and Vivi? The only other person I've told is Nora...

My jaw practically hit the floor when the next voice spoke, the familiarity of it almost shocking the life out of me, expected as it was I still couldn't believe it.

"I told you this would happen! You should've acted sooner, you're gonna be stuck watching them make out in the halls and holding hands. You should've seen the way she was talking out it. I was literally gonna vom'." Nora's voice echoed against the walls and betrayal ran through me. She made a gagging noise. I felt like I'd been stabbed. I'd grown up with bitches, being bullied for being clumsy. Bitches were something I was used to, could deal with. But I'd never been turned on so much before. None of them had pretended to be my best friend before. I was usually so careful.

I held my breath, hoping they would leave soon. Part of me wanted to go out and confront them but I didn't know what would happen if they found out I'd been eavesdropping on their conversation.

"They will not be fucking making out in the halls, not if I have anything to do with it. Ugh! Le petite salope!" The words translated in my mind and I silently thanked the world for letting me understand the French profanity that came out of Nathalie's mouth although part of me wished I hadn't understood what she'd called me as my blood started to boil. Who does she think she is calling me a little slut? It's not like I've slept with him.

Xander's words started ringing through my brain as I processed the rest of what she'd said.

She's crazy.

Maybe she really was, maybe he hadn't just been insulting her due to a bad break up like I'd previously thought.

My heart rate sped up and I just wanted them to leave so I could escape this bathroom. I was beginning to feel claustrophobic in the tiny cubicle.

Finally, I heard the door slam again as they left and I let out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding.

I washed my hands then ran out of the bathroom, trying to ignore the blatant threat in Nathalie's words.


Finally, back onto my posting every week schedule, although I'm going to start posting on Friday instead, starting not this week but the week after, just because it'll be easier and now I have quite a few chapters written that aren't uploaded I'll be able to stick to it.

So next week I'll see you on Sunday but the week after it'll be a Friday!!

If you liked this chapter please VOTE and COMMENT. It helps me out loads and lets me know if people are enjoying this or not.

Also the question of the chapter: what do you guys think of the conversation Mei overheard??

As I as I already mentioned, there'll be a new chapter up on Sunday, but if you can't wait that long and want some sneak peeks you can find me at siennafreyja on Instagram and Tumblr and siennafreya on Twitter.

See you next week!

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