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  ♪I'm Gonna Show You Crazy - Bebe Rexha♪

My phone started to buzz next to me, against the bench I was sitting on, and I looked over to see who was calling me. No Caller ID was all the screen said.

I was sitting in Xander's garden, trying to get taught some more kayaking. It wasn't going too well, we kept getting distracted and ended up doing, well, other things.

He'd gone inside to get us some snacks and a drink so I'd decided to sit on the bench to wait for him. It was pretty chilly outside, now that it was November, but going inside to eat would be way too awkward, having to bear through small talk with his parents wasn't what I really wanted to do while I ate. I wasn't cold outside anyway as I had the smart idea of wearing a coat.

I picked up the phone, wondering who on earth would be calling me on no caller id. Vivi usually texted if she wanted to talk and never turned her id off anyway. Nora and I weren't speaking so there's no way she'd be calling me.

Pushing the confusion aside, I answered, "Hello? Who's this?"

Silence replied my questioned.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" It was funny how that was something that was asked. Obviously, if someone was there they would answer regardless if you'd asked them if they were there or not.

I was about to hang up but then a quiet whisper came through the other end of the line.

"Stay away from him." The voice sounded oddly familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was. It at the back of my brain, like an itch I couldn't scratch.

"Excuse me? Stay away from who? Who is this?" Fear started to creep into my voice.

"Just stay away, I don't want to have to do something drastic." Their voice was cold, sending shivers down my spine. Then something clicked. The combination of the slight French accent, the angry tone to it and the use of words brought me back to what I had heard in the bathroom earlier that week.

"They will not be fucking making out in the halls, not if I have anything to do with it."

"Who is this? Who do you want me to stay away from?" I was pretty sure I knew the answers but I wanted confirmation. I didn't get any, though, the other end went silent.

"Hello?" I asked.

The reply was two consecutive beeps letting me know the other person had hung up. I looked at my phone, the screen confirming my thoughts; the call had disappeared, almost as if it had never happened.

Just then, Xander walked up to me.

"Who were you on the phone to?" He asked, curious.

I didn't answer, my hands shaking.

I must've looked as shocked as I felt because then he said, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "I think Nathalie just called me." My voice came out in a whisper, barely audible.

He clenched his fists. "I'm gonna fucking kill her. What the fuck did she even say to you?"

"She told me to stay away from you or she'd hurt me." The fear had started to subside now, leaving me to feel angry at her audacity.

"Who the fuck does she think she is." He looked at my face, and his angry expression changed to a sympathetic one. "C'mere, babe. I'm so sorry my ex put you through that. It's bullshit."

Then, he pulled me up off the bench and into a hug, wrapping me up into his arms, mumbling over and over about how bullshit it all was.

"What did you even do to her?" I spoke, dazed and unthinking.

Suddenly, he pushed me away. "Why do you assume I did something?"

"Well, um..." I stuttered. "It's - it's just that, well, she seems really angry."

He sighed then sat down on the bench, patting the space beside him. "I guess it's about time I told you what happened anyway."

Sitting down next to him, I leant into his shoulder, starting to feel a bit worn out after the all the recent events.

"I don't really know where to start," he said, as he put his arm around me. "So I'm going to start at the beginning but, just a warning, it's going to be a bit of a long story."

I listened intently as he started his story. "She moved to our school in the middle of year nine and I was instantly drawn to her."

"What, like you were with me?" I interjected earning a laugh from him.

"Yeah, kinda, now shush. Basically, we started talking and eventually went out and I asked her to be my girlfriend. I thought she was great and she was so nice at first."

"But then things turned sour?"

He nodded. "Kind of. She started to get really cling. Like I couldn't go out with my friends anymore."

"What friends?" I asked, grinning cheekily.

He rolled his eyes. "Very funny. But let me continue, I'm trying to tell this quickly. Because she had some serious insecurity going on she was also extremely jealous and would throw a fit if I so much as looked at another girl. So eventually, I started to get a bit fed up of it all and I broke up with her."

"She was angry about that, then?"

"Extremely. She started following me everywhere. I'd be at the shop with my mum and she was there or I'd be at the park, just hanging out, and she'd be there. And each time she saw me, she begged me to take her back, saying she'd change. It got to the point where we almost got the police involved. But when I told her that I was planning on informing the police she disappeared and I haven't talked to her since. Every time I see her in town or at school, I ignore her. Apart from with you because I haven't been out with a girl on their own since her. I've been afraid they'd be like her or she'd try to hurt them."

"What was different with me?" I looked up at him, curiously, wondering why he'd chosen me of all people to finally go for after his bad experience.

"I decided that she'd probably have grown up by now and that I shouldn't live afraid of her anymore. And I knew you wouldn't be like her. You're so different. She was confident and flirty. But you're a lot quieter. I had to put more effort in with you than her. She just gave herself over to me. I knew she liked me. With you - I wasn't as sure."

I sat up to look at him properly, slightly confused at what he was saying, doubt in my mind about our relationship. I knew he most likely wasn't saying he was only dating me because I was nothing like Nathalie but the doubt wouldn't leave me alone unless I asked. "So you're dating me just because I'm nothing like her?"

He looked back at me for a second, probably judging what he thought I wanted to hear and whether he'd said something to make me angry. "Well, I guess it was probably what attracted me to you initially other than the fact that you're insanely beautiful." He sent me a toothy grin and I blushed, looking away from him.

"You're just really different to any girl I've met before really. I felt like I could help you with your dyspraxia by teaching you to kayak and then I got to know you as well. It's not like I was thinking this girl's the opposite of my ex, I should date her. It was like this girl is gorgeous and I want to get to know her and help her."

Biting back a smile, I looked up at him again, leaning in.

"How did your parents make someone so perfect?" I asked.

"Just got good genetics." He shrugged, smirking before going in to kiss me.


So I haven't posted in a while because I've been on holiday but I finally have access to my computer again so I'll be posting regularly.

What did you think of this chapter? If you liked it please VOTE and COMMENT. It means so much to me. 

The next chapter will be up this Friday but if you can't wait that long you can find sneak peeks on my Tumblr and Instagram at siennafreyja or my Twitter at siennafreya.

Bye till Friday :)

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