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♪Feels - Calvin Harris ft. Katy Perry, Big Sean and Pharrell Williams♪

I sat down next to Vivi, putting my lunch tray down on the table in front of me.

The cafeteria was filled with obnoxiously loud chatter as everyone talked about what they wanted for Christmas and what they were doing over the holidays. That's what happened in the last week of school before Christmas. Everyone started to think it was the holidays already. There was always those few who started to freak out about mocks, though, and I was one of them.

Aiden put his tray down next to me. Vivi and I had started sitting with the boys at lunch ever since Xander broke up with me. She'd said it would be a nice distraction for me but I was certain she just wanted to flirt with the boys herself, especially now she'd moved on from Aiden. Now, she was trying to get with one of the other boys.

"So," he leaned in close to my ear, causing my heart to do a somersault in my stomach. It'd been doing that a lot lately and Aiden had been becoming more attractive every day. I didn't know how I felt about that yet or what I was going to do about it. "What are you doing in the holidays? Best make time to see me." He said the last part so quietly only I could hear, not that anyone else was listening. The rest of the boys had started to fill in the seats around us and all eyes were on Vivi.

"I might not be doing anything. Mocks are straight away when we come back. My mum's probably not even going to let me leave the house." I ignored his demand I saw him and ignored the second somersault that flopped in my stomach.

"But you won't even try, not even for me?" He sent me puppy eyes, looking at me up through his lashes.

"Sorry," Vivi chimed in. "But her one free day is reserved for moi." She pointed to herself and giggled.

"I might not even have one free day." It's not that I didn't want to meet up with them, I just knew how my mother was and I knew that with mocks she would want me to be preparing every day for exams. It was serious stuff now. No more messing around like I did with GCSEs, these were the grades I would be carrying around for the rest of my life like a heavy weight - or a light weight if they were good.

"But you'll try?" Aiden was still looking at me with the puppy eyes,

I smiled. "I'll try."


"She said yes!" I exclaimed on the phone to Aiden. He'd been calling me all evening wanting to find out what my mum said, something, I realised, that he had in common with Vivi, but each time I'd said I didn't know yet to the point where I'd gotten so fed up of the persistent ringing of my phone I got up and went to search for my mum.


"Like, this is literally what happened, I went downstairs found her in the kitchen and said 'mum can I go out to meet some of my friends in the holidays?' and she said yes. Like, no joke, she said yes. I get four days out and everything."

"Not just one. Aren't you a lucky girl," he said, dead serious. "Seriously, the way you talk you must make some people think your mum is trying to hold you hostage."

"Well, she usually is when exams are around."

"Obviously not this time."

"Yeah, just wait until the real AS exams." I looked back on exams in the past trying to think if she actually always had been this strict. Primary school exams had never been a big deal. I knew for my GCSE mocks she'd kind of let me do what I wanted but it was the real GCSEs when she got strict. I understood then, sort of, my mocks weren't the best results I'd ever achieved. I'd got mostly Cs and Bs. What I didn't understand was the continuation of being strict.

"Is she going to lock you up in a castle, Princess?" His tone was sarcastic to the point where I could almost hear him rolling his eyes.

"Okay, if you're not going to take my issues seriously then I'm going to hang up."

"No, no, don't hang up. I'm listening, I'll take your problems seriously."

My heart did a flip in my chest and I smiled at the panic in his voice. He wants to speak to me. Oh God, what is happening to me? I still wasn't understanding my emotions. Or I just refused to listen to them. I didn't need this - I'd just got over a bad breakup and I wasn't even 100 percent sure if I was over it.

"Fine, I won't hang up on you." I was still grinning like a Cheshire cat. I didn't even remember the last time a smile was this permanently stuck on my face. Mostly I'd been crying recently, as sad as that may sound. Aiden somehow managed to make everything all better, though.

"Go on, I'll be your personal therapist. What else is on your mind? You still haven't told me everything that happened at kayaking."

I sighed, knowing full well that I had finished the story but either he wasn't listening or he'd just forgotten. I went on to tell him anyway. It was hopeless arguing with him over it - he'd insist that I hadn't told him, that if I had he would remember, and he so insistent on it that I would end up telling him anyway.

The conversation carried on for at least another half hour before my mum started to call me telling me tea was ready. I didn't want to put the phone down, I loved speaking to him, and that's when it all clicked. He promised to call me the next day so we could finish the "therapy session" but now I had a problem I couldn't talk to him about. I didn't think I could talk to anyone about it. Vivi was who I'd normally talk to boys about but it was weird this time. This time I had a crush on Aiden and I had no idea what to do about it.


Next chapter up next Friday. I hope you enjoyed if you did please VOTE and COMMENT, it helps me a lot.

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