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"Shots!" Leiya screamed, bringing a bottle of vodka in to the room. Currently, I was at Hisashi's house for the 'sesh' which I still thought was a party but apparently that was wrong because there was only the four of us.
"Yes!" Hisashi said. He was lining up rows of shot glasses on the marble table in the dining room. I watched him, hoping they weren't going to expect me to take them.

"Do your parents know you're doing this?" I questioned, looking at the huge bottle of vodka Leiya was putting down next to the shot glasses.

"Yeah, they don't really mind as long as I don't get pissed and wreck the house."

I gesture to all the alcohol on the table.

"Never said I was the one drinking it all," he said, answering my unasked question.

"Hey, let's play never have I ever," Leiya chimed in, as Elijah entered the room, pulling me closer to the table so I was standing with them.

"I can't get drunk." I eyed the shot glasses again that had now been filled up.

"You'll just have to hope u haven't done anything then," she said, dismissing my comment. I rolled my eyes. I didn't bother arguing with her - there was no way I was getting out of this.

"Okay, my turn first. Never have I ever..." She drew out the 'er' at the end of 'ever'. "Kissed a boy." She looked over at me first, watching me grab one of the shots. Then watched Hisashi and Elijah both sigh and reluctantly drink. She smirked as they downed the vodka.

I stared at it then unwillingly downed it as well, almost gagging on the taste. Dry vodka was disgusting, everyone knew that, but I think it tasted worse than I expected, if that was even possible.

Looking over at Hisashi and Elijah, I featured between them. "Each other?"

They both nodded.

"We were both wasted," Hisashi tried to justify.

"Leiya, how long are you going to hold that against us?"

"As long as you live, bro." She was still smirking.

I turned my head from Hisashi and Elijah to look at Leiya. "Have you seriously never kissed a boy?"

"There's a lot you still don't know about me, Mei, remember that." Now she was smirking at me. "Your turn."

"Okay...never have I ever kissed a girl."

The boys both shrugged then drank again and then Leiya joined them in drinking.

I looked at her with my eyebrows raised and she replied with a double tap on the side of her nose, letting me know the story of her kissing a girl was a secret and she was going to leave me to imagine what might have happened.

We played a few more rounds of never have I ever, the others drinking a lot more than I did. Leiya and Hisashi drinking the most. By the end of the game, Leiya was completely gone but the rest of us were only a bit tipsy.

Hisashi suggested we play spin the bottle as we came up with new ideas to do.

"No!" Leiya shouted. "I don't want to kiss you boys. I don't want to kiss boys period 'cause I'm gay. I'm a lesbian." Then she started to giggle hysterically and flopped onto the ground, rolling around like a puppy dog on grass.

"Okay, okay, let's go get you some water." He picked her up bridal style and carried her into the kitchen, which was attached to the dining room, Elijah and I followed suit.

He put her down on a shiny counter then got a plastic cup out of the cupboard and started running the tap.

"She's really gay?" I asked Elijah as Hisashi tried to persuade Leiya to drink the water.
He nodded. "Yeah, she's still pretty closeted, though. She's only told us and, well, now you."

"Leiya, drink the fucking water already."

Hisashi was trying to pour a cup of water down Leiya's throat but she was refusing to drink anything.

"Hisashi," I said, walking over to him. "Let me try." I took the cup from him, afraid it was going to end up drowning her.

Filling up one of the shot glasses with water from the tap, I hoped Leiya was out of it enough to believe what I was going to tell her.

"Leiya, here's another shot." Hisashi and Elijah looked at me and I assumed they were confused with my little trick. They obviously hadn't tried it before. I used to use it all the time with Vivi when she would get really drunk. I would just fill her bottle up with water and give it to her.

"Oh, Mei, thank you. I love you, have I told you I love you?" She knocked back the water and I proceeded to fill it up again, smiling at her words and at the fact that it worked. I knew she probably didn't mean what she said, I mean she barely knew me, but that didn't stop the happy feeling bubbling in my stomach. It was nice to be liked, even if it was just by a drunk person.

I handed her the glass again and then grabbed another one from the table, filling them all up for her with water. She knocked them back one by one until all the water was gone.

"She should be fine, now," I said to Hisashi.
She put her arms out. "Sleep." She clenched and unclenched her hands like she was trying to grab for something.

"Okay. Let's take you to the sofa." Hisashi picked her up again and carried her back into the dining room, Elijah and I following again.

"Mei, can you get the door for me."

I nodded, holding the door open so Hisashi could carry Leiya into the living room.

After putting her down on the sofa, he got a blanket and laid it over her.

"She'll be alright when she wakes up." He walked back over to the door. "What do you guys want to do?"

The Diary Of A Teenage Girl [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now