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♪Breathe - Taylor Swift♪

Vivi and I walked through the cobbled streets of town with Aiden walking between us. It didn't surprise me that Aiden was in the middle, although Vivi did like to be the centre of attention, he seemed to have some sort of control over her, probably due to the fact that she really liked him whereas he was playing it cool. I bet Aiden loved being out with two girls and standing next to them both.

"So," Aiden said, looking over at me. "How's your boyfriend?"

I knew he was only trying to make idle conversation but that didn't stop the sharp pain that went through my chest. It was still fresh. I'd spent all yesterday sulking over it, thinking maybe today I'd be able to get my mind off it but of course not. That would just be too easy, wouldn't it?

"We broke up." I tried to say it nonchalantly but I was sure the undertone of heartache that ran through my words could still be heard.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you want to talk about it?" Sincerity coated his voice and my heart warmed to him, instantly, at the kindness he was showing. Most people did it for the gossip but something about the way he said it made me think he actually cared.

I shook my head. I wanted to get over it, not talk about it.

After that, we carried on walking in silence.

"What do you guys want to do?" Aiden was trying desperately to get the situation to be less awkward and was probably bored out of his mind. Vivi was being unusually quiet and I wasn't quite sure why. I hadn't talked to her since Xander and I broke up.

I shrugged my shoulders then looked over to Vivi to see if she'd respond. She didn't.

"Hey, Viv." Aiden tapped her, in an effort to get her attention, and she looked up, blinking as if she had been in a daze.

He chuckled slightly then continued speaking. "What were you thinking about?"

I saw a blush rise onto Vivi's cheeks.

"Oh, nothing," she said. "What did you say again?"

He rolled his eyes. "I said what do you want to do?"

"We could go to Poundland and buy some sweets." She suggested, shrugging.

"I swear you said you were on a diet," I said, shaking my head at her. "Anyway my mum didn't let me out of the house so I could eat junk food from Poundland. I've been let out of the house to have fun. Let's just go to the arcade or something." It was true, mum had told me the only reason I was allowed out today was that I wasn't going to revise anyway because I was sulking so I might as well go have some fun with my friends. She'd said it would do me good to get some fresh air.

"Arcade it is then," Aiden confirmed, Vivi nodding her head in agreement, and we all started to walk in its direction.


My phone buzzed as I sat on my bed, a tear trickling down my face.

I picked it up to see who it was. Aiden was requesting to Facetime. Pondering over whether to answer or not, I decided it probably would be best if I did, it could be something important. He and Vivi had stayed in town together after I'd left. I had no doubt that they were going to go get pissed in a park somewhere and my thoughts were confirmed a few hours later when Vivi had sent me some dodgy texts.

After quickly wiping away my tears, I swiped across my screen to answer.

"Hello?" I said as Aiden's face appeared on the screen in front of me.

"Hey." He elongated the 'y' and I heard someone giggling in the background. So they are both okay if you could call being very pissed okay.

"Are you okay?" I asked, anyway.

"Yeah." His voice came out childish and I heard more giggling. "Are you? You don't look okay."

I wiped at my eyes again, trying to figure out a way to avoid the subject. "Neither do you."

"But me and Viv are under the influence of alcohol. You aren't - your mum doesn't let you drink."

I shook my head, I wasn't in the mood to be in a phone call with no point. I didn't like phone calls on a good day but usually, I would put up with them to be nice. I wasn't feeling like being nice today.

"Well, did you call me for a reason or did you just want somebody to talk to?"

"Just somebody to talk to." He took a swig from a vodka bottle they must've bought. I wondered how they'd got it. We were all in year twelve; no none of us were older than seventeen so unless they had fake id they wouldn't be able to buy it.

"Okay, I'm gonna go then, have fun." I went to hang up but Aiden started to speak frantically.

"No, no, don't go. You need somebody to talk to as well. Come on, please tell me why you're sad, I'm quite helpful, you know. It might make you feel better if you talk to us. Talking can be really good. It's good to open up." Some of his words slurred into one making me think he wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow. A pros and cons list formed in my mind on whether I should tell him or not.

Pro: He probably won't remember any of this tomorrow.

Con: What if he does? I'll look pathetic.

Pro: I might feel better talking it out properly with someone.

Con: I might look pathetic.

Really there was only one con. Nothing too bad that could affect me, in the long run, would happen. If he did remember I'd just avoid him for the rest of my life. Vivi might hear but she was probably passed out by now. I hadn't heard her giggle in awhile.

So I told him. Everything from the very beginning. How I was dyspraxic but Xander offered to teach me to kayak. How then I became friends with Nora but she was best friends with Xander's ex. How his ex then messed everything up between me and him. Surprisingly, he was really supportive of it all. I had no idea if that was just because he was drunk and couldn't think but I suspected that wasn't actually the case. Maybe I'd miss judged him and maybe Xander had too. Maybe he was just a really sweet guy who gave off the wrong impression.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

What do you guys think about Mei telling Aiden? Will he remember? Don't be afraid to COMMENT your thoughts, I love hearing what you have to say, and if you liked this chapter please VOTE.

The next chapter will be out next Friday but if you can't wait until then there will be sneak peeks on my Tumblr and Instagram at siennafreyja and my Twitter at siennafreya

See you next week.

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