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♪This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - Taylor Swift♪


I walked next to Xander, through town, laughing. He was telling me about his mum had asked his little brother what he was going to wear on non-uniform day and he'd answered her with toilet roll, deadpan, before bursting out laughing and running upstairs.

"My parents find him hilarious, I just think he's a weirdo," Xander said in a matter-of-fact tone. I continued laughing.

"I wish I had a sibling." He looked over at me, raising his eyebrows slightly, as I spoke.

"You really don't." He looked away again, his dark eyelashes shielding his eyes from me.

"I do, I think it would be fun. Like someone to talk to and confide in about things your parents won't get." My voice went a pitch higher as I argued back but I soon realised he wasn't listening. I was now a few steps ahead of him.

Looking back to where he'd stopped dead in his tracks, I asked, "What's wrong?" Concern coated my voice.

"Nothing," He shook his head, his brown hair flopping in his eyes slightly, "It's just - my ex is over there and I really don't want her to see me; She's crazy." Reaching out to pull me closer to him, he pointed to two girls walking with each other. One of them was Nora. My head started to pound as thoughts flew through my head. Nora lied about knowing Xander. He just called her crazy.

He started to drag me across the cobbled streets and past the shops, hurting me a bit. Running, he dragged me along even more and I found it hard to keep up with him.

"Hey, Hey! Stop, you're hurting me." I shouted, trying to get my arm back.

He let go of me, instantly, a guilty look overcoming his face.

"Sorry," he muttered. He took my hand in his and we snuck into a gap between two shops to hide.

The brick felt hard against my back, my puffa jacket buffering it slightly but not enough to get rid of the uncomfort. I watched as Xander peered around the edge of the wall looking to see if we'd escaped them. A thousand questions were still whirling around my head. I'm defo going to have a conversation with Nora about this later.

I leaned around the corner, wanting to know what was going on, brushing against Xander's chest slightly. Seeing Nora and the other girl looking straight towards me, I threw myself back against the wall in fear of them seeing me.

"Ouch!" I cried as my back made contact with the brick behind me. Note to self: Throwing yourself against a wall is never, and I mean never, a good idea.

"You okay?" Xander's eyes moved from looking at the two girls to watching me with concern in his blue eyes.

I nodded. "Mm-hum."

He nodded back then shifted his gaze back to the girls. Following his gaze, I leaned in closer to him again, wanting to get a better look. The girl Nora was with had golden hair that cascaded down in waves. She wasn't tall but she definitely wasn't as short as Nora; the girl seemed like she was a similar height to me - maybe slightly shorter. Her skin was tanned, giving the impression that she wasn't English.

I continued to follow them with my eyes as they moved past the gap and disappeared up the street, pushing myself closer to Xander when they looked in our direction, hoping to make myself invisible.

After they had disappeared out of sight, Xander spoke again after our long period of silence. "Thanks for doing that for me."

I smiled at him. "No problem. Which one was it - your ex-girlfriend, I mean - was it Nora?"

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