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♪Last Kiss - Taylor Swift♪

"Are you okay, Mei? You've been really quiet recently." Vivi said, looking at me concerned.

I nodded, looking down at the food on the plate in front of me. Xander and I were barely speaking, now, at school, just passing comments in the halls or in lessons. Usually, we'd hang out at break and lunches but we never seemed to catch each other at the right time and whenever we did his ex would be there. It'd only been a week so I kept thinking it would go back to normal but a part of me doubted it would.

"Well, clearly you're not. Come on, we're going to have some fun." Vivi stood up, brushed her blonde hair out of her face, then dragged me up out of my seat and started pulling me across the cafeteria.

"Wait, but I haven't finished my food yet!" I tried to pull my arm back from her but to no avail. That girl was stronger than she looked.

"Like you were going to eat it anyway." She rolled her eyes, looking back at me, as she continued to drag me.

We were nearing a table full of boys, which confused me a bit because it was almost like she wanted to distract me from Xander with other boys but I couldn't do that since Xander was actually my boyfriend. It wasn't like he was some mindless crush I was sulking about because he didn't like me back, anymore. But then, I also knew Vivi and she liked boys more than girls, most of her friends were male, so she probably just thought they'd be fun to hang out with.

"Hey boys," she said when we were in hearing distance.

Some of them waved at us, others just smirked. I got the impression that these boys were her party friends and she didn't usually hang out with them at school.

"This is Mei." Finally, she let go of my arm but then she shoved me close to the table so I was right in front of all of them. Surveying them quickly, I noticed that they were almost certainly boys who considered themselves cool. They dressed similarly to the rest of the boys in sixth form but with a slightly rebellious edge: top buttons undone and sleeves rolled up here and there, trainers on their feet.

"She's taken, so trying anything would be pointless but she's well cool so let's all hang," Vivi continued with her introduction. I sent Vivi a please-let-me-escape look in a futile attempt to be free and leave this awkward situation but she just ignored me before gesturing I sit down in one of the free seats.

I don't move so Vivi pushes me forward towards the seat and a blonde haired boy pulls the chair out for me. Feeling helpless, I sit down, Vivi taking a seat on the other side of me.

She leant in close to my ear and whispered to me, "that's him, from the party."

Looking at him up and down, I analysed him. He was sitting down so I didn't know how tall he was but his short-sleeved shirt showed off his arm muscle. His face was neither ugly nor really attractive. I could see what Vivi saw in him. This boy gave me the impression that he knew how to make girls go crazy.

"Hey, I'm Aiden." He sent me a kilowatt smile.

"Hi," I said back, slightly nervous. It was weird. I was better at talking to new girls, more confident, it was easier. You could ask them questions about makeup, clothes, compliment them. I didn't know what to talk to guys about.

"You and Vivi good friends, then?"

"Yeah, she's my best friend." Vivi was leaning against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

He nodded.

"Are you two free this weekend? We should all meet up."

I looked over to Vivi, watching a blush creep onto her cheeks, waiting to see if she'll respond. She didn't. She just looked expectantly at me.

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