If he would keep doing this to me then one day I'll faint for sure. The things he makes me feel at his touch....I shiver at the mere thought before shutting my sentiments and concentrating on his wounds.

"The blood was dribbling down and you didn't even care to tell me. Doesn't it hurt? You are so careless Zayn. Don't you want to get well soon?" I asked slightly in a loud voice.

He closed his eyes choosing not to answer. I frowned at his reaction continuing to clean the blood stains in between the cuts.

For a moment, I just forgot the intimate moment we shared minutes ago. It still causes my heart to hitch in a most delirious way when I think about what he does to me every time. I blushed scarlet thinking about what we were just doing, what he was just doing!

I had never felt an urge to be touched by someone like I felt today. For those few minutes I just lost count over everything, like I've stepped into another world of ineffable ecstasy. But his question.....why he's important to me...

I don't know the answer. He is just important, the most valued and precious person of my life.

I shook my head coming out of my daze and looked at him. His eyes are still closed and a frown is still on his face.

Do I need to tell you how adorable he is looking right now?

"Zayn?" I called smiling slightly at his frown.

He opened his eyes and looked back at me before closing them again, angrily. I giggled at his childish behavior while having his back almost cleaned up.

"What?" I laughed a bit before standing up to throw the used cotton in trashcan.

"You didn't answer my question, so tit for tat!" He said while sitting up before I pulled his shoulders down to make him lie down again.

"You better stay lying on the bed! Are you insane?" I scolded him while placing my hands on my hips as he looked at me amusingly.

"I'm just confused that why you just don't feel any pain and being this much careless! Your wounds could become worse if you keep doing this to yourself! And now if you even pulled up your head, I'm...I'm not going to talk to you ever!" I huffed while rolling my eyes.

Adding more to my annoyance, he started smirking.

Smirking? Seriously?

"Did I tell a joke?" I asked while smiling sarcastically rising my eyes up and placing my hands again on my hips causing his smirk to only widen.

"You look so adorable when you act like an angry young woman." He laughed through the pillow while his eyes glittered making me lose my consciousness.

"And with that...." He pointed at my hands on my hips. "Hot!" He winked and my mouth hung open when my jaw dropped down at his choice of words.

I looked at him with amusement when a red color started to appear on my cheeks. He stretched his arm to grip my wrist and pulled me down such that my knees touched ground and our faces come at one level .

"And sexy too." He whispered while winking again causing my eye balls to pop out and I bit on my inner cheeks. As if it would stop me from blushing.

Oh God! New side of Zayn Malik yet again!

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked with my open amused mouth.

"If this is called flirting then yes I am." He shrugged while smirking.

He is still holding my hand. Just reminding if you forgot!

Oh! My hand is burning with is touch!

UnEvLo (Unconditional Everlasting Love)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora