Part 8

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Why do I always have to overthink everything. Girls would do anything for him.

Not going to lie but this whole situation was kind of awkward. I just stood there with chocolate in my face oh my god. I can still feel his warm touch on my cheek and it feels so good but anyways I have to go back to him. I don't know if we will change any words after I turned him down.

I change into some black skinny Jeans  combined with a white hoodie and go down.

He's outside, sitting on the stairs. I decide to sit next to him but he doesn't turn to my side. What did I just do, I fucked up. Again. He keeps staring at the floor and I lean against him. As soon as I lean against him, he suddenly gets up and starts walking away.

Awkward awkward awkward. He's so pissed but I follow him.

„So what? You hate me now?" I ask.

„No." is all he says.

5 minutes passed away and we are still walking next to each other without saying a word. It's pretty cold outside and I regret not having taken a jacket with me. It's an uncomfortable silence and I hate it.

As we reach his house he opens the door and we walk straight into his room.

„What do you want to do?" He tries to avoid eye contact.

I sit on the bed and start to think what we could do. My stomach growls and he has a little smirk on his lips.

„You want something to eat?"

„Yes please."

„You are lucky I'm Italian. Lets go to the kitchen and make the best pizza you've ever eaten." he opens the door and leads me trough it.

Everything seems to be okay. I know he's pissed because I just turned him down but he tries his best not be angry with me.

„Where are your parents?" I ask nosey.

„At work. Can you give me some flour please?" He changes the subject.

„If I would know where I can find it." I start to laugh.

„Look right there." He points to a kitchen cupboard right next to the fridge.

I give him the flour and our hands touch for a second. He starts to smile suspiciously and throw some flour in my face.

„Oh my god Mattia, you can't be serious." I half scream and try to get the flour out of my face.

He starts to laugh and runs his hand through his hair.
Damn that looks so hot.

I take a handful of flour and want to throw back but he blocks my hand. I try to reach the flour with my other hand but he pushes me close to him and whispers into my ear :„Will you reject me again?" Here we go again.

Will I? My heart starts to beat faster. Damn it. He has a big influence on me. Especially when he looks at me like that.

„What if I will do?" I ask playfully.

„That's not going to happen." He devours his hands around my waist even more.

„Why not?" I ask not knowing the answer.

„Because I get everything I want." He says.

My head starts to spin. Did he just say he wants me?

Our lips are only a few inches apart.

I want to forget everything at this moment. Since the first day I wanted this and there is nothing holding me back. Only Jo but by the time I want to overthink everything it's too late because Mattias lips touches mine. My hands are traveling around his neck and I try to push him as close as possible. I close my eyes. I want to enjoy this as long as it's possible. It's only me and him right now. His lips taste like caramel and I move my hand to his hair. His hair is fluffy and all this feels like a dream and he is my dream boy. I can feel a smile on his lips so I smile back. We both break the kiss and I try to look away. My desperate consciousness returns and I start to feel guilty.

„What's wrong?" He strokes my hair out of my face.

„I- I don't know. I feel bad."

„Why?" He asks me confused.

„What if she has still feelings for you?" You know... Jo." I try to say as quite as I can.

„Why would she, she's happy with Alejandro, trust me."

He's right. I never thought about it before.

„She told you I will hurt you. Didn't she?" He let go of me.

„So? She's my friend, she's trying to warn me." I protect Jo.

„y/n I didn't want to hurt her. This was a long time ago and I changed. I like her, she's my friend, we figured it out. The things you heard that evening are part of the past." He looks desperate.

„I know Mattia, it's okay as long it is okay for both of you but can we please change the subject?" I look away.

„Of course. I will just finish this pizza."

„Great, I'm going to call Jo and ask if everything is alright." I say and walk to the next room I can find.

Thank you so so much for almost 450 readers. It means a lot to me ❤️. Let me know if I can improve smth and don't forget to vote🤭🤭

Boy of my dreams <<Mattia Polibio🦖Where stories live. Discover now