Chapter 38

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"Wow," Yoongi breathed. "That makes me wanna kill Chinhwa all over again." Jimin sighed, patting Yoongi's head. "You don't have to, he's been banned." Yoongi pouted, enjoyjng the hair caressing Jimin was doing.

"It still makes me feel angry." Yoongi muttered, his eyebrows furrowing down. Jimin cooed as he watched this act, finding Yoongi defending him cute.

"If it makes you feel better we can cuddle?" Jimin offered, smiling softly at Yoongi, looking from under his eyelashes. Yoongi thought for a moment before shrugging.

"Yes please. Love me." Jimin giggled as he took Yoongi info his arms. He loved seeing Yoongi all soft like this, as it added to his usual charm of coldness and aloofness.

"Look at you, a cold and awesome captain," Jimin teased, poking at Yoongis cheeks playfully. "In real life your a big teddy bear inside." Yoongi grumbled at this. "No im not. I'm cool and sexy."

"Sure. Now be quiet. You're moving too much."

The next morning, they reached Seoul, and the moment they docked their, they sent a person to spread the rumors. Once the rumors were spread, they waited patiently for Alistair to arrive, hidden between rocks that were ways away from shore.

"How long do you think we'll have to wait?" Jin asked, peering onto the horizon as if he could make Alistairs ship come into view.

"Stop glaring at the sea like if offended you." Yoongi chastised. "She did nothing wrong."

"You talk as if she's a living being."

"She is, and she could throw you off at any moment." Jin snorts but stops talking. After a while, he stalks over to Namjoon, who fallen asleep onto a chair from the sun, dozing away.

Yoongi returns his gaze to the horizon, a horrible feeling starting to flutter in his stomach the longer he thinks about it.

It feels like a bad omen. Yoongi thinks, shuddering uncomfortably. I don't like it.

Yoongi ignored this unsettling feeling, as he felt as though nothing could go wrong. He had allies to back him up and skilled crew members. Beating Alistair should be a piece of cake too easy to cut.

But there was still that itch under his skin he couldn't get rid of, no matter what it did. He even scrubbed the whole ship and helped Nori cook for gods sake.

"What's up with you today?" Nori asked, when Yoongi came in and asked her if he could help her make lunch. "You hate cooking. You made that very clear 8 years ago." Yoongi chuckled awkwardly as Nori returned her attention to the meal. "Well I wanna try it again? Maybe I'll like it this time."

Nori scoffs loudly. "As if. You're too stubborn for your own good." However, there was no real bite to her words and Yoongi took that as a sign to proceed.

Grabbing a knife, Yoongi pulled a cutting board towards him, and started to peel the potatoes. Halfway through, Nori came over to check ok him and sighed in relief.

"Thank god that you're not as bad as Namjoon." Yoongi snorts at this, remembering how his friend attempted cooking at the age of 14. He had burned the food until it was just charcoal, got egg shells into the food, and took half an hour just to cut half a onion into four parts. "He was a disaster."

He scoops up the potatoes and dumps them into the cooking pot, the boiling water splashing up and grazing his arm. Hissing, Yoongi retracted his arm. "I forgot how much I hated boiling water."

At that time, Jimin and Taehyung both pokes their heads into the room, both sniffing the air.

"We thought we heard you in here," Taehyung said cheerfully, coming in and peering at the food. "We want to cook too!" Jimin nodded excitedly, as they always had others cook for them and never attempted on their own before.

"Uh," Yoongi found himself saying, as he didn't know if Nori would allow them in her kitchen, as she shooed away anyone who had the potential to blow things up.

"Of course you can!" Nori beamed, and Yoongi's mouth fell in shock. Nori didn't even let him into her kitchen until she was positive he could take care of things without messing them up. And here she was allowing Jimin and Taehyung cook for the very first time!

However Yoongi couldn't find himself to be a tiny bit mad as he watched the two giggle while smearing bits of dough and water over each other, squealing when the other dumped a bit more water than necessary.

"Stop fooling around," Yoongi snapped, but his facade quickly fell when Jimin smiled at him. "Whyyy? We're having fuuuunnn." Jimin giggled, and that's when he threw a piece of dough at Yoongi.

Yoongi froze as he felt the cold wet piece of flappy dough slide down his face and splat onto the floor. "Oh no you didn't."

"Oh yes I did."

"Please done waste the d-," Nori sighed, watching them squabble. Her efforts proved useless as Yoongi flung a stone sized piece of dough at Jimin. Rolling her eyes, she untied her apron and flung it onto one of the stools that were in the kitchen. Marching pass the fighting trio, she took one last look and left, muttering cinder her breath,

"Fuck this shit I'm leaving."

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