Chapter 7

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Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting quietly on the rail of the ship, Taehyung leaning his head on Jungkooks shoulder.

They were watching the sunset, a brilliant display of orange, red, and yellow dotted with white clouds. It had been a long time since they last saw a sunset together.

Taehyung turned his head towards Jungkook, sighing sleepily and blinking his heavy eyes.

"I was really upset when you left." Taehyung murmured, nosing at Jungkooks hairline fondly.

Jungkook blushes at this. "I'm so sorry, but I'm here now, and that's what counts, right?" Taehyung nodded.

"Did you ever meet your father again?" Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah, when I was 16. We had stopped by my home town, and we saw him in the markets with some woman on his arm. He didn't even look at me when I passed." Taehyung cooed sympathetically.

"Well, that old cock sucker can go die because I'm here now!" Taehyung replied cheerfully. "And I'm never going to leave your side."

They continued to sit there, Taehyung starting to feel his eyes droop. Jungkook closed his too, listening to Taehyung breathing get even. Honestly, Jungkook could stay here forever, just listening to Taehyung's heartbeat and feel his soft blue locks.

But the universe is a monkey.

"Wakey wakey love birds!" The awful happy voice of Hoseok interrupted their needed catch up session, and Taehyung kind of wants to drown him. Kinda. Ok fine maybe he really wants to drown him. And maybe feed him to the sharks.

"Go away Hoseok." Hoseok pouted, doing a disgustingly cute face. "You're so mean! Can't believe we raised you to be a brat." Then Hoseok turned serious, a stark contrast to his usual sunshiny face.

"The captain just called for a crew meeting and he wants everyone there." He turned to Taehyung. "Including you."

Jungkook and Taehyung both jump off the railing and land neatly on their feet. "What is it about?" Hoseok shrugs. "Not sure, but I think it concerns why you guys are here."

When they arrive at the hall, everyone is already there. Hoseok quickly goes and sits beside Cala, the latter giving him a soft smile.

Jimin was sitting beside Yoongi, a rare sight for anyone who didn't clearly know what kind of person Yoongi was. It wasn't everyday a stranger could sit next to the one and only Min Yoongi and not get cuffed. Beside him, Jimin was fiddling with his tiny fingers nervously, biting on his lips.

Taking Taehyung by the hand, Jungkook led him to his usual spot and pulled up an extra chair.

When Taehyung sat down, Yoongi began to talk.

"Thank you everyone who came," Yoongi began, but was cut off when Echo leaned back on her chair.

"Cut the crap Cap'n, we all know that you're not as courteous as you try to appear." Echo says lazily, head lolling around her chair.

Yoongi gave her the finger.

"Anyways, I'll let Taehyung and Jimin speak for themselves why they are here."

Taehyung shifted in his seat, slightly uncomfortable as some people's eyes were on him.

"Well, me and Jimin are the princes of Atlantis and a few days ago, Jimin's husband to be came to our palace." There was a chorus of murmurings and at the mention of Chinhwa, Jimin's stiffened slightly.

"We didn't think of him much when we first met him at dinner. But then he touched Jimin without his consent. So I beat him up."

"So he's a rat then," Yoongi spoke up.

Taehyung shrugged. "Basically."

So for the next ten minutes, Taehyung explained what had drove the both of them to come to their ship, with Jimin occasionally adding bits of information that Taehyung had missed.

"So basically the only reason why Chinhwa wants to marry Jimin is so it'll be easier for him to carry out his plan, which is ultimately to attack the humans?" Jimin nodded.

Yoongi let out a breathe of air. "And he thinks that I have a pearl, or whatever it is that holds the power to command the seas." Jimin nodded again. Yoongi laughed.

"Wow, now it seems a lot more realistic than the first time you said it to me. And the fact that this Chinhwa person is crazy seems real now."

Jimin chuckled awakwardly at his answer. "Yoongi, you said that you knew someone who could help us find it."

"That's right."

"Well are we going there right now?" Yoongi rolled his eyes, smirking.

"Who do you think I am?"

"You didn't actually tell him where it was did you?"

"Of course not father. But the princes were stupid enough to believe it."

Chinhwa and his father were in his living quarters, and while Chinhwa's father was combing his greasy beard, Chinhwa was pressing gingerly on the wound caused by the second prince.

"Good." He laughed, a deep rumble coming out of his fat stomach. "Then I trust you to take care of the matter soon?"

Chinhwa nodded. "Of course, father. They won't know what's coming."

After the meeting, most of the crew retired to the brig, with the exceptions of Taehyung, who wanted to sleep with Jungkook.

"You're gonna make the poor kid explode one day." Echo commented, when she passed a red faced Jungkook.

Jimin had declined Yoongi's offer to sleep with him for the night, saying that he didn't want the others to think he was privileged.

But deep down, he knew he would combust if he actually slept beside the Captain.

Namjoon was on sailing duty tonight, and Reo had swapped places with Cala, saying he didn't feel like sleeping that night.

Down in the brigs, Jimin had the help of Jin, who was unfairly tall to hoist him up into the hammock. For a bed of strings it was strangely comfortable, and didn't leave red marks on his fair skin.

That night, after blowing out the strange red and orange flickering thing, he dreamt of a glowing stone and an old lady with a kind smile.

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