Chapter 36

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"So basically now we'll have ships all around us? Seriously? This sucks ass!" Echo groaned, as she gave a middle finger to a man who was wooing her from another ship. "Fucking disgusting." She hissed grimacing, and turned around abruptly.

Yoongi, doing her a favor, glared at the man, who immediately froze and ran for cover in fear of the tiny man with dark eyes and sharp sword.

"Not all of them are bad though," Jimin  had commented, after seeing this exchange. He was smiling and waving at a few people who were shouting a greeting at them from another ship, looking very joyful, a contrast to the man from earlier. He giggles, swinging around and punching Yoongi in the shoulder. "Stop giving all of them death glares Yoonie. Be nice."

"Fine" Yoongi grunted, because he was a weak, weak man, and headed towards his quarters for a nap because it was burning hot outside. Jimin sighs fondly at him as he watches him walk away.

From up above, Ace grabs his attention. "Jimin! We need some help here!" Ace calls, and Jimin runs over, eager to help the crew in any way he can. "Yeah?"

"Can you hold on to that rope so it won't slip?" Jimin nods and takes ahold of the rope, gripping it tightly as he watches Ace wound the other end tightly around a wooden pole. "You can let go now." Jimin lets go and looks up expectantly at Ace. Noticing this, Ace gives him a thumbs up, and Jimin skips away happily, humming under his breath.

As they set sail, with the ships following behind them, Jimin could now see that they had replaced their regular flag, the one with a skull and dagger with a crown on its head with the same flag as the other ships. So basically, all ships were flying under the same flag so they could be mistaken for merchant ships or a mariners fleet.

The purpose of doing so is so they can hopefully sail peacefully without disruption, at least until they reach their destination.

An hour later, Yoongi stumbles outside, clearing sleepy, but still out to check on his crew. When he found that everything was in order, Yoongi wanders towards Jimin, who was sitting on the edge of the ship. Dangerous, but Yoongi wasn't afraid, because Jimin was a mermen, and they swim hella fast.

"So, what's the plan?" Jimin asked, swinging his legs idly, perched on top of the railing, enjoying the feeling of sea breeze on his face. He especially liked how dolphins swam along with them, chittering happily as they jumped out of the water.

"We're planning to send a messenger to all the major cities, and have them spread a rumour that I'm in Seoul." Yoongi said, leaning against the railing and looking up at Jimin with a passive face. "Then I guess we'll ambush them." Jimin cocked his head. "I guess?"

Smiling sheepishly, Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, blush dusting his cheeks. "Well, Im not sure if you realized, but Im not really typical fit of a pirate king." Jimin nods in understanding, because the first time Jimin met him, he thought the exact same thing.

"I had never aimed to be pirate king, because I avoided fights whenever I could, but trouble always comes to me even when I don't want it to." Yoongi admits. "The only reason why I'm what I am today is because I always manage to win, no matter what happens."

"Isn't that a good thing? Always winning?" Jimin asked, confused as to why Yoongi looked so sad about it. If he were to be a pirate, he would be happy if he won all the time.

"Winning is a good thing candyfins," Yoongi says seriously. "But not in my case. In my case, I have not had one moment of peace since I was 18 years old."


"Because, since I made the mistake of being a pirate, my life has consisted of fighting, looting, and more fighting. It's impossible to avoid it since it's my way of living now." Jimin felt really bad, watching the way Yoongi almost talks like he despises himself, the way his shoulders curve inwards and the way he stopped himself from looking at Jimin.

"Why did you become a pirate?" Jimin asked, and watched as Yoongi's shoulders stiffen. "You don't have to tell me! It's a stupid idea anyways..." Jimin quickly added, afraid that he might have pushed too far, seeing as this topic was a pretty sensitive one. Yoongi let his shoulder sag, facing Jimin with an apologetic smile on his face.

"No, it's alright. I don't mind. I was going to have to tell you sometime." Jimin still felt unsure, so he asked Yoongi one more time.

"Are you sure?" This made Yoongi crack up a bit, laughing cutely. "Candyfins, I'm sure." He promised, taking a hold of Jimins smaller hands between his larger ones.

"There no one else I'd rather share it with."


Im sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was feeling super stressed because I had a quiz, a presentation, and got my La unit final back.

I'm kinda lagging on the finishing the book thing. I don't want this book to end because it's technically the first book I wrote, since the other ones I abandoned and deleted them. I deleted them because I thought they were unsatisfying and honestly so bad. But when I do finish, I will publish another because I have a great idea for it! So please look foreword to that if you enjoyed this book!

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