Chapter 12

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Sorry I couldn't help it

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Sorry I couldn't help it.


Yoongi wanted to replace his crew members. After seeing Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook frolicking in the water, they came up with the brilliant idea of throwing him off board. What treachery! He should just banish them from the ship.

But for now, he was content to floating in water and having Jimin cling onto him, squealing when Taehyung splashed him with water.

Then, in a rush of boldness, Jimin dunked his head under the water.

Salt water filled his nose as he struggled, and coming up with a pop, he glared darkly at Jimin, who had the sense to look at his sheepishly and hide behind Taehyung. So the game of cat and mouse began.

Swimming slowly towards the duo, Yoongi looked eyes with Jimin and he smirked, prowling closer and closer. Then, a movement out of the corner of his eye distracted him. It was Jimin's tail. Wait, what?

Jimin saw where Yoongi was looking and flushed.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you." Jimin exclaimed. "We don't immediately have a tail the moment we're in water, because we can control when we do, cool right?" Yoongi just nodded and taking the chance of Jimin losing his guard, he lunged for him and successfully managed to bring him in a head lock and began to tickle his side unmercifully.

Jimin shrieked and tried to wriggle out of Yoongi's grasp, but that only served to make Yoongi's grip tighter, which caused Jimin to scream.

"Oh no, you're not getting out," Yoongi cackled, kicking when Taehyung tried to pry his arm off of Jimin. The three tussled for a while, then Jungkook came to help Taehyung free Jimin. When Jimin was free, Jimin swam away as fast as he could and surfaced a good 5 metres away.

Then Taehyung and Jungkook dunked him. Again. He really needs to replace his crew members.

Finally, after an hour of horsing around, they climbed up the anchor and arrived dripping wet on the deck. Yoongi hates this feeling. You know when you're in the water, you feel fine, then when you're out of the water, you feel like a soaked cat. Yeah, that's what Yoongi felt like.

Jimin had changed out of his tail and was walking with some uneven steps. Jimin saw him looking and gave a wry smile.

"It takes a while to get used to legs every time I change." Jimin explained.

Yoongi nodded and looked away, still not used to Jimin's legs, that were thick and smooth and, God, he was being a pervert for the first time in his life.

After changing into dry clothes and feeling fuzzy and warm again, Yoongi went back outside.

It really was a nice day. Yoongi thought. A seagull landed in front of him and squawked loudly. It hopped around and continued making noises, which happened to alert other birds.

After a few minutes, around 10 birds landed on the deck and began to make quite a hassle. One bird flew at Yoongi's face, and he barely managed to dodge it as the seagull circled around again.

It was chaos.

Birds dive bombed the crew, and poor Jimin and Taehyung, who had no fucking clue of what these things were, screamed in fear and ran for Yoongi's quarters.

The rest of his crew decided to take shelter in the brig. Joining the merman's in his room, they sat on the bed in silence as birds crashed into the windows and walls.

Jimin was terrified. He thought the seagulls were here to kill them.

An hour passed and the thudding and screeching stopped.

Cautiously, Yoongi peered outside. It was a mess.

There were bird poop on the deck and feathers everywhere. But strangely no birds were found lying dead on the deck.

Behind him, the rest of the crew crept up.

"What the hell was that?" Jin screeched, looking at the mess the birds left behind.

Yoongi shrugged, slightly shaken up. You would be too if seagulls were bombing you and your friends left and right.

"Let's clean this up," he suggested, voice cracking at the end.

For the rest of the afternoon, the entire crew pitched in to clean up the mess left behind of what Yoongi labeled, "demon seagull birds."

Even Jimin and Taehyung helped, with tiny jobs that they could not possibly mess up. They were in charge of bringing water so that they could scrub the deck with it.

But then Jimin tripped, and the bucket fell, and then Jimin whined about how his knees hurt.

You're such a klutz. Yoongi thought, as Taehyung ran over to help Jimin up.

Jimin had apologized to Reo and Aiden profusely, who were in charge of scrubbing the deck from the white bird poop.

Yoongi watched as Jimin ran to get another bucket, smiling a little at the blush that tainted his cheek.

Behind him, Hoseok hollered, "Yoongi? There's a dead bird in this tiny crack and you're the smallest out of everyone here."

Yoongi stalked over, glaring at Hoseok. "Jimin is just as tiny as me."

Hoseok grinned teasingly. "Yeah but you're skinnier."

"Fuck you Hoseok," is all Yoongi could say.

Even with Yoongis smaller body, it was still a tight squeeze through the crack

to reach the bird, and he emerged panting with scratches along his side.

Hoseok, the little demon, was giggling the entire time, so Yoongi flipped him off and stalked away.

A few hours passed and the ship was finally void of birds or anything with feathers.

Yoongi could finally rest. But no, his crew had to have a fucking party. With beer and wine and everything. And they roped Jimin and Taehyung along as well. Do mermaids have anything remotely similar to beer? Probably not, because by the end of the night, Jimin and Taehyung were the only ones passed out.

Groaning, Yoongi signaled Jungkook to carry Taehyung down to the brig, and he took the job of carrying Jimin to his quarters as he wasn't about to carry a grown ass man down the stairs.

Laying the merman softly on one side of the bed, he blew out the candle, slipped in beside Jimin, and fell asleep.


Since this was a filler chapter, I decided to make it random and wild.

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