Chapter 18

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"I came to help them find Jimin, not to sit here and hide." Yoongi grumbles.

He was currently in one of the rooms, presumably one the guest rooms, as the space was widely unoccupied by things such as clothes. But then he remembered. Mermaids and merman don't wear clothes.

Coral squeaked and bobbed up and down.

"Stop trying to talk to me, I can't even understand what your saying dumbass." Yoongi snapped, glaring at the seahorse.

Coral honked, and Yoongi learned what it felt like to be attacked by a seahorse.

"Ow! Hey! Stop!" Yoongi yelled, covering his face with his hands when Coral started smack him with her tail.

"Oh my fucki-," Yoongi snarled, grabbing Coral with hands and holding her away from his face as she wriggled around, squealing loudly.

"Shut up you damn snake!"

After a few minutes of just the two of them struggling, Yoongi managed to tie a piece of seaweed around the seahorse.

"How are you so violent? And how does Jimin fucking stand your obnoxious squealing?" Yoongi asked incredulously, as Coral kept on wriggling around.

Sighing, he drifted down to the floor and lay there, closing his eyes for a bit. Almost immediately, he thought about Jimin and Taehyung and what could potentially happen to them.

"I shouldn't be here." Yoongi muttered, and reopened his eyes.

He sat up and swam towards the door.  Reaching for the doorknob, he was about turn it when Coral shook her head.

"I ain't going to sit here and do nothing." Yoongi told the seahorse, who Jimin probably told to keep him away no matter what.

Coral honked angrily at him again. Yoongi stuck his tongue out.

"You can't tell me what to do horsey."

Coral squeaked, aggression and annoyance laced onto her strangely expression full face.

"I'm not stupid. I know your not a horse! It's called insulting!" Yoongi snapped.

He finally pulled the door open and went outside.

I can't believe I was talking to a seahorse! Yoongi thought, confused with himself.

Where did the awesome, sexy and badass pirate king go?

As he crept along the unfamiliar walls, he thought he heard crying, but dismissed the thought. Chinhwa was probably messing with him.

But Yoongi soon came to realize that the shitty thing about being underwater, is that you can't hear it if someone sneaks up to you.

So that's how Yoongi ended up with a trident digging into his back.

"Found you."

"He should be in one of these rooms." Jimin huffed, as he and Taehyung searched every room close where they had left Yoongi.

They had left their father after he said that he was going to be fine.

"I'm the king after all." The king had chuckled, causing Jimin and Taehyung to sob loudly, much to the kings disdain.

"I'm trying to lighten the mood!" He had complained, so they had forced a watery smile in order to satisfy their dad.

"What about-, Coral!"

Taehyung rushed in a guest room to find Coral on the floor, wriggling wildly.

"Hey, girl, I got you, it's ok." Taehyung soothed, unwrapping the trapped seahorse.

Sinking to his knees, Jimin stared at Coral.

"Where's Yoongi?" Jimin asked urgently, hands coming up to shake Coral a bit.

Squeaking, Coral swung her head towards the door.

"Did he go out?" Coral bobbed her tiny little head.

"He couldn't stay still, could he?" Jimin muttered, rolling his eyes. He swam out the door and looked both ways down the long corridors.

"Taehyung, you go that way, and I'll go this way. We might be able to find Yoongi before Chinhwa does." Taehyung saluted him and sped down one side of the hallway, with Jimin taking the other side.

Normally going at this speed made Jimin tired easily, but the fear of Yoongi being found drove his body to swim faster and longer.

He had almost lost all hope and started to slow down, but then heard a yell.

"That hurt you motherfucking cunt!"

Yoongi! Jimins mind unhelpfully supplied.

He swam closer and peeked around a corner.

Chinhwas trident was lying on the floor, alone as the two of them fought.

Yoongi, was quite nimble, twisting this way and that so that the magic that came out of Chinhwas hands would miss and hit the wall, ceiling, or floor. Eventually, Chinhwa gave up using magic and resorted to quick punches and stabs.

Unfortunately for Yoongi, Chinhwa was considerably bigger than him. Also, Chinhwa lived in the sea his whole life, whereas Yoongi was only in the water for about an hour.

Therefore, soon Yoongi was in a headlock in Chinhwas grip, teeth clenching as he tired to break free. He succeeded, by playing dirty. He poked Chinhwas eyes with his fingers and yanked on his hair, causing him to scream in pain.

"How you like that you fucker!" Yoongi yelled, wrestling him to the floor.

Chinhwa groaned, agitated.

Coming to his senses, Jimin swam out from his hiding place and grabbed the trident. He came up to where Yoongi had Chinhwa on the floor and pointed the trident between his eyes.

"Give up Chinhwa." Jimin ordered, prodding at Chinhwas head. But he only received a crackle as Chinhwas body shook with laughter.

"You really think that I'm that weak?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you taking about?"


At his words, Chinhwas body began to glow a faint bluish color.

The ligh grew and grew until it enveloped everyone in a sphere of light.


Does the story still make sense? 😕

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