Chapter 4

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After the shock of being seen registered in their brains, Jimin and Taehyung decided that going up to the surface was too risky, as the fear of being caught lurked at the back of their minds.

Although frightened, a small part at the back of his brain was curious as to who the man was on the ship.

But instead, they dedicated their time to exploring the ocean floor instead.

They had quickly gotten bored with the sunken ship, and didn't return as often as they did before. However, they did steal the clothes and hide them under their kelp beds.

They also begged the servants not to tell their parents about their fascination, and the servants, being weak for the young princes, agreed.

One day after coming back from their little exploration, Jimin's father pulled aside and led him to the throne room, where two other Merman were waiting.

"Jimin, I would like you to meet Siwoo and his son Chinhwa."

Siwon and Chinhwa both bowed, and Jimin bowed too, not sure where this was going.

"Thank you for agreeing to this, you majesty, it is an honour that Chinhwa will be part of the royal family."

Something registered in Jimin's brain, and he snapped his head up in realization.

"Part of the Royal Family?" Jimin echoed, praying that his worst fear wasn't going to come out of his fathers mouth. But it did.

"Chinhwa is going to be your betrothed." His father confirmed, looking slightly guilty.

Part of Jimin wanted to lash out, to yell at his father that he had no part in choosing who he was to marry.

So instead, he excused himself from his father, bowed stiffly to Chinhwa and Siwoo and fled the room.

Taehyung found him in his room and few minutes later, staring blankly against the wall.

"I heard." Taehyung said softly. Jimin tensed, then relaxed when he felt Taehyung head against his shoulders, his soft blue locks brushing against his face.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jimin shrugged and sighed.

"I know I'm being unfair, it's just I wished I didn't have to." Taehyung snuggled closer and poked Jimin's nose.

"Well I heard he's charming and nice." Jimin snorted a bit too loudly and he covered his mouth.

"So?" Taehyung smiles cutely. "Well, who knows? You might like him."

"I hope so, or else marrying him would be a drag."

Taehyung giggled. "Maybe you'll fall in looooove~," Jimin pinched him electing a yelp from the younger merman.

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