Chapter 37

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"Papa! Look!"

A little boy of seven came sprinting into the room, stumbling a bit as he was quite clumsy. He was holding a flower in his grip, his tiny hands clutched around it. He was headed towards a middle aged man, who was bending over another man, who was wounded.

The little boys father turned around with a smile on his face. "Oh? What do you bring me?" Taking the flower out of the boys grip, the father turned it around in his fingers thoughtfully. "Thank you Yoongi."

Beaming, Yoongi scuttled off, pleased that his father enjoyed his gift.

When he opened the door that leads to the streets, he was faced with a tall and strict looking mariner. Staring up at the man, Yoongi felt horribly intimidated, taking little steps back as he tried to close the door.

"I-,I'm sorry mister," Yoongi stuttered, looking up fearfully as the man loomed over him. "But my Papa is bus-," He hadn't even finished talking before the man pushed him ruffly aside, causing him to trip and fall. He landed on his hands and knees, scraping them.

Two other men followed the first one, each one of them carrying big guns. Shaking with fear, Yoongi ran after them, not knowing what they wanted to do, but at the same time knowing it was not going to be a good thing.

As his little legs struggled to catch up, Yoongi could now see where they were headed.

The infirmary.

Putting on some extra speed, Yoongi dodged between the men's bodies and flung the door open.

"Papa!" Yoongi cried, and his fathers head shot up from where he was talking quietly to the man on the bed. His eyes widened upon seeing the mariners, who had appeared behind Yoongi. The mariners pushed past Yoongi and took ahold of his fathers arms, ruffling jerking him to his feet and dragging him to the door.

"What are you doing?!" Yoongi's father yelled, struggling against the taller man who was holding onto him firmly.

"You are under arrest by the order of the Queen." The mariners didn't say anything after this, only making Yoongi's father struggle harder.

"What for?! I did nothing wrong!" The man who Yoongi saw first gave him an unimpressed look. "You were taking care of a pirate. This proves that you must be a pirate too."

Tears eyes Yoongi watched the whole exchange, wondering why the Mariners, people who he looked up to his whole life, were accusing his father of something he was not? And even worse, taking him away.

"Let him go!" Yoongi pleaded, tugging on the mariners clothing. He almost expected the mariners to stop and listen, but instead, he was kicked, again, to the side, making his head swim.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" Yoongi's father roared, as seeing Yoongi beat up on the ground hurt him greatly. "You monsters!" The mariners tsked, looking at him with great disdain.

"You're a Monster, along with the dirty pirate. People like you are a danger to society. Struggle more and I will hurt the child further." Yoongi's father glared at them, but stopped struggling.

Yoongi could watch helplessly as his father was dragged out, and later, the wounded pirate, who let out a hiss when he was handled too ruffly. As the pirate passed Yoongi, he looked at him sadly, as of saying sorry for the misfortune he had bestowed upon them.

Yoongi never saw his father nor the pirate ever again, though he knew both of them were hung for committing a crime against the Queen.

A child of seven shouldn't have to know this harsh reality, yet Yoongi did.

Luckily, his neighbour, a middle aged Nori, took him in, after seeing firsthand what had happened. She had been fond of the boy long before the tragedy, and was not hesitant to take him in, as she lived by herself.

And so Yoongi grew, grew up hating the mariners, and learning that most pirates were not the scoundrels the mariners painted them as. Instead, most pirate crews were like family.

So when it came the time when Yoongi watched a young boy being dragged to the hanging platform for assisting pirates, he knew he only had one choice.

He had took an immense risk, rescuing the boy from the platform, and then running as dozens of mariners chased after them, yelling out insults and orders.

They barley managed to get out, with both boys sustaining some minor injuries.

Nori has found them two days later, hidden in a abandoned farm with no real food or water. During that time, Yoongi had found out the boy was named Namjoon, and that his prends went missing a long time ago when he was little.

After being found, Nori had taken them far away, to the mountains, where she knew an old shaman. The shaman housed them for five years, until Yoongi unexpectedly announced he was going to be a pirate at dinner.

No one was really surprised. Nori even thought he would have done it sooner.

It had taken him another two years to properly establish himself on the ocean, and another two years before becoming Pirate King.

At first, finding people with the same goal was difficult, as mariners made sure the public only thought good things about them. But over time, through connections, they had managed to gather a rowdy bunch.

"Wow," Jimin breathed, mouth opening into a little 'O'. Yoongi nodded, not knowing what that meant. He felt as though he had said too much, and was worried about what Jimin would think.

"Oh I feel so bad for you," Jimin pouted, and went to hug Yoongi, being the cuddly person he is. Accepting it gratefully, Yoongi nuzzled into Jimin's neck, breathing in his warm honey milk scent, a smell that was greatly comforting.

"It makes me feel kinda useless and boring." Yoongi straightened up, and looked at Jimin, who stared back.

"No don't think like that."

"Why? It's pretty true."

"Well you came up here for starters." Jimin giggled. "That is true." Yoongi leaned in and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist.

"How about you tell me your story after dinner?"

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