Chapter 35

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"It's nothing."

"Come on Jimin, just say it." Yoongi pressed, looking slightly impatient. Jimin gulped, and wrung his hands together.

"Well, remember Chinhwa?" Jimin asked, and Yoongi almost growled out loud at the name. God, he hated that motherfuck-,

"Yoongi? You spaced out again." Jimin voice cut through his haze, and he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. You were saying?"

"Chinhwa escaped." Jimin finally said, looking at him as if scared of his reaction. Beside him, Taehyung was fidgeting, mind already strayed far away from their current conversation.

"What?" Yoongi asked, not believing what Jimin was saying. "Chinhwa escaped?" When Jimin nodded, Yoongi scoffed.

"I'm going to kill that slimy son of a bitch. Did they find him?" Jimin shook his head. "No, they couldn't find him, that's why my father came up. He wanted to want us to look out for ourselves."

They sat in silence for a while. Taehyung has left earlier, finding no need to stay any longer. He was currently setting up a trap with the twins, grinning maniacally.

"What the hell is he doing?" Jimin asked, squinting up towards them, the bright sunlight infiltrating his eye sight. At that exact moment, Taehyung let out a cackle, his mouth splitting into a grin.

"I have no fucking idea."

"If you're just going to keep being paranoid, why don't we just go find him?" Namjoon asked, after cornering Yoongi when he retired to his quarters.

"Great idea Joon!" Yoongi replied. "Except we have no fucking idea where he is." Namjoon sighed. "Then what are we going to do? On top of this pirate shit, you're also telling me there's this psycho octopus man wanting to kill us?"


"Fucking great."


"Does he really look like an octopus?"

"Go die."

"I will later but seriously, how are we going to deal with this? We can't keep our allies waiting, they're going to get tired."

"I'll think about it."

"I hope you do."

A few meters away, the water bubbles, and a face surfaces to glare ominously at "Serendipity". His tentacles swished about, gripping a trident tightly in its grip. He could see the pirate king standing on the deck, laughing with Jimin.


Growling, the man disappeared under the waves, and headed towards the 'Serendipity'.

I'll kill you.

The sun starting to set, and Yoongi had made everyone stand on deck, because he wanted to announce something again.

"So," Yoongi started, glancing at everyone's tired looking faces. "What do you guys thinks about Alistair and the mariners?" The crew looked at each other, not knowing what to say. It was a rare thing for Yoongi to ask them for their opinion, as he was always sure of his decisions.

"What do you mean?" Nori asked, from where she was standing in the back. Yoongi sighed.

"Well, currently, we are sailing to nowhere, just waiting for Alistair and the Mariners to show up. The reason being that we don't know where they are at the moment." Yoongi explained. "I want to know if you guys prefer to look for him, or wait."

There was silence for a few moments, before Cala quietly raised her hand. "If we wait, they have the element of surprise. If we look for them, we have the element of surprise." The crew hummed in agreement.

"Does anyone disagree with that?" Yoongi asked, and no one answered. To be honest, Yoongi wanted to slap himself for not thinking of what Cala said sooner. Sure, if they didn't find them, they didn't find them. But if they did, they would have the advantage.

"Then let's set sail."

"Yes Captain!"

"Yooooongiiiiii." Jimin whined, tugging at the sleeve of Yoongi's shirt. "M'tired, I wanna sleeeep." Yoongi ignored the whining merman, pouring over the various maps and battle strategies that were laid out before him in the table.

It was night time already, around 11:00 o'clock, and most people have already gone to bed. Jimin should have as well, but he was determined to have Yoongi by his side when he closed his eyes.

"Just go to sleep Jimin, you exhausted your body today and you need to sleep." Yoongi said firmly, as he didn't want Jimin to wake up all tired and sore.

"Nuuuuuuuuuu." Yoongi snorted softly. Jimin was too cute. He guesses he could leave the maps for another night. Sitting up, he takes off his shirt and beckons to Jimin, who had sat the farthest away in spite.

"Come here candyfins." Jimin pouts and turns away, sniffing the air delicately. "No."

"I'm sorry candyfins," Yoongi tries again. "I'll sleep now." Jimin gives up and crawls towards Yoongi before sitting on his lap. "Ok." Yoongi laughs.

"Is that all it takes?" Jimin bats his chest with his hands weakly.

"Shut up and sleep."


A bit shorter since I'm not feeling that well.

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