Chapter 17

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Yoongi was ecstatic.

The king had turned him into a goddamn mermaid. With gills and scales and all that shit.

He really should have expected this, but he didn't really take into consideration that in order for them to save Jimin, Yoongi would have to have a tail as well.

He picked interestingly at the few scales littering his body. Glittery.

He had left the ship under command of Namjoon, and told him that if he doesn't come back after 2 hours, to leave without him. He wasn't risking his crews safety to Chinhwa hands.

After he changed, the three of them dived down, and Yoongi had to suppress the need to freak out because, he can breathe underwater, right?

He took a deep breathe and when he didn't choke, Yoongi patted himself on the shoulder mentally.

Together, the three of them started to swim down, with Yoongi trailing silently behind, looking in awe around him.

But strangely, there's hasn't been a single sign of life.

"Where all the fish and animals?" Yoongi asked, coming up to Taehyung.

"Chinhwa's doing. I don't know where they went but I know that he had something to do with it."

Hearing this made Yoongi hate the man (merman?) even more.

After a long time of swimming, Yoongi was getting tail cramps. He had never been so active in his life than he was at this moment. Luckily for him, the shadow of the palace rose into view. Yoongi sucked in a breathe. It was gorgeous. Not as expensive looking and shiny as the palace on land, but it was still majestic in its own way.

"That's mighty fucking huge." Yoongi said, not watching what he was saying. Taehyung laughed wryly. "Yeah, it is pretty fucking huge."

Making it to the front entrance, they opened the huge heavy doors with a grunt.

"Inside." The king ordered, none too gently shoving Yoongi through.

"Hey!" Yoongi yelled, glaring at the king, who only shrugged and continued foreword.

Quietly, the trio crept through the halls towards the throne room, where Taehyung had last seen Jimin and Chinhwa.

"He should be here somewhere." Taehyung whispered, craning his neck to look around the corner. All the sudden, he snapped his head back as a trident whizzed by his head. It made a dull thunk onto the wall, embedding itself deep into the stone wall.

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