Chapter 16

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Taehyung couldn't control his erratic heartbeat as he sped through the familiar walls of the place that used to be home. It was unrecognizable now, as the glowing coral had been destroyed and no people in sight.

Seeing the front entrance, Taehyung sped up, anticipation burning through his veins. He hoped Chinhwa wouldn't catch up.

When he was outside the palace, he changed his angle and started to swim up, furiously pumping his tail. Jimin was counting on him, and if Yoongi died he would be heartbroken.

After a few minutes of continuous swimming, and his muscles burning, (he really needed to work out more and not just snack on dried kelp) he spotted the dark unmoving ship of the Pirate King.

Breaking the surface, Taehyung immediately begun to change his tail. In a few seconds, his legs were gone and yep, totally naked.

But he brushed the thought aside as he begun to climb up the ship using the old and rusty anchor.

It hurts, especially when a piece of his flesh is snagged onto the metal, but Taehyung was more focused on the fact that if anyone looked his way, they would see a butt full. The thing is, he and Jimin both had gotten used to the fact that being nude was embarrassing.

So he tried to go as fast as he could.

Making his way to the top, he peeked over the edge and found himself face to face with a butt. Screaming he toppled back, but he did not reach the water. His father had grabbed his arm, with wide eyes.

"T-Taehyung?" He whispered, when his eyes focused onto Taehyung's face.

Taehyung grimaced. "Hey dad. Please don't kill the Yoongi, okay?"

He peeked to the side of his father and saw Yoongi and his crew tied to the mast. He was unconscious, with an ugly purple bruise on his pale face.

"It's hard to explain, but just listen to me." Taehyung sighed, tugging at his fathers arm so he could pull him onto the ship.

There he explained that Yoongi was not the bad guy, and that he actually helped them and the fact that Jimin was alive. Hearing all this information made the King sag in relief.

"Your mother would be so happy to hear that." The king sighed, but then tended again.

"Then that means," he said lowly. Taehyung finished for him. "Chinhwa's a rat, and we've got to go, he's got Jimin in his control!" (I hated how that rhymed.)

At his words, Yoongi stirred awake, seemingly have been summoned from wherever you go when you're unconscious, just from the name Jimin.

He focused on the two merman, squinting. "Where's Jimin?" Yoongi questioned, flicking to the side of the ship as if Jimin would pop up and say, "here!"

Taehyung swallowed audibly. "Chinhwa has him." This seemed to sharpen Yoongi's senses.

"Is he ok? Was he hurt? He's not hurt is he Taehyung?" Yoongi garbled like an idiot. Taehyung chewed on his lip.

"I think Chim is fine, I don't think Chinhwa would purposely hurt him, seeing as Jimin's is his Queen." Yoongi snorted.

"Fine? He won't be fucking fine unless we stop him!" His shouting aroused the other crew members, blinking in confusion at Yoongi's loud yelling. Jungkook in particular jerked and banged his head against the post.

"Yoongi! Shut up!" Taehyung yelled, stomping his foot. "I know your worried, and that's why me and my father are going to rescue him now!"

"Then take me with you." Taehyung blinked. "What?"

"I said, take me with you. If you're going to rescue Jimin I want to be part of that." Yoongi repeated, staring at the King, as if asking for permission.

The king contemplated Yoongi for a few seconds, before bowing his head in silent agreement.

"Great!" Yoongi grinned. "Now would someone help me get out of these ropes?"

Jimin woke in an unfamiliar place. It was horribly dark and unsettling, and around him, something clanged repeatedly. Jimin did not like this place.

He lifted him up, slowly from where he was lying on the floor, muscles sore and neck aching. He also had a headache, similar to the one he had during that party on Yoongi's ship.

Yoongi. Jimin's thought balefully. He hoped Taehyung wasn't too late.

He groaned, stretching his arms and back. Letting out a whoosh of air, he leaned back onto whatever his prison was.

Now that he was paying attention, Jimin realized that his cage was a bit of a piece of art. The coral that made the curves and holes of the cage was beautiful. Running his finger along it, it seemed to glow with life.

Great. He was stuck in a beautiful cage. How strange.

A low thump brought him out of his train of thought.

"Who's there?!" Jimin called out, voice trembling slightly. Only slightly. He was a brave prince!

A loud crash made Jimin scream and shake. So much for being brave.

"How are you doing my Queen?" A low voice rumbled from the shadows. Chinhwa appeared, holding a spear of some sort in his grip.

"I'm not your Queen!" Jimin's trilled, voice high pitched. Chinhwa smirked, and Jimin wanted to put a hole through his face.

"Feisty." Chinhwa drawled, his gaze making Jimin tremble.

"I just wanted to let you know that your father and your brother are coming here right now." Chinhwa rolled his tongue inside of his mouth, looking annoyed. "Including that pesky pirate king."

Jimin perked up. Yoongi? His mind shouted in glee. He was alive! And coming down to save him! Wait.

"Those three really thought they could kill me, huh," Chinhwa snarled. "Well I'll rip them to pieces!"

He stormed out of there, leaving Jimin alone again. He had to get out.

Studying the cage walls, Jimin first fidgeted with the lock, but with no avail. Jimin then tried to find a weak spot, hands prodding on random spaces, listening for a creaking or crack sound. There were none, and Jimin finally slumped in defeat.

Then there was a high pitched clicking sound, and Taehyung and Jimin's pet Coral came whizzing around the corner. In her mouth were a set of keys, sliding this and that on the ring.

"Coral!" Jimin cheered, his hand coming up to pet her head. Taking the keys from her mouth, he quickly unlocked the cage. When he was free, he gave Coral a hug, and whispered that she was a good girl. Coral chattered and started to pull at his arm.

"Are they here?" Coral bobbed, indicting that yes, they were here.

"Let's go."


Kill me.

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