Chapter 9

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But with black hair

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But with black hair. But ahhhh does he look sexy as fuck. Don't forget to vote! :D


Winning the battle wasn't very hard. The attacking ship had belonged to an amateur pirate captain with too big of an ego.

Shortly after, the intruding pirate captain threw himself off the ship, in favour of not facing whatever punishment Yoongi had in mind for them.

What little left of the crew that was still alive, were bound to the mast in the centre of the ship, including the man who almost took Taehyung and Jimin. Most of the others were either wounded or knocked out.

When the last prisoner was tied and bound to the mast, Yoongi began to circle them, prowling like a cat. The rest of his crew stood off to the side, including Jimin and Taehyung. Jungkook had Taehyung wrapped securely with his arm, and was murmuring sweet nothings into his ear. On the other hand, Jimin was entranced by Yoongi, his eyes never leaving the pirate as he circled around.

"Did your idiotic captain really think he could attack my ship and get away unscathed?" Yoongi barked, finally coming to a standstill.

The pirates in front of him cowered in fear, wide eyes flickering between Yoongi and his crew.

"I'm a very busy person and I'd prefer if nobody, especially a inexperienced pirate captain with a lousy crew, bothers me."

There was silence for a while. Then one of the pirates started to laugh. Jimin's heart seized. It was the one who took them captive.

"Busy?" He cackled. "You mean busy fucking your whores, right?"

As the man continued to laugh hysterically, Yoongi's eyes had began to glow darkly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean those two!" He turned his gaze towards Taehyung and Jimin, who shrank back from his leering stare.

"They are not my whores!" Yoongi snapped, his hand tightening around the handle of his sword. The man arched his eyebrows.

"Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind it if I have them for myself." From where he was standing, Jimin could see Yoongi's jaw clench tightly, his whole body taut as a strong on a violin.


The man grinned horribly. "Then I, Kim Jiho, challenge you, Min Yoongi to a duel."

The whole ship went deathly quiet. Even the seagulls, who had previously been squawking noisily, went quiet.

You see, challenging a pirate captain wasn't abnormal, but it certainly was rare. Especially if someone had challenged the pirate king. But whoever does it either has a death wish or is extremely stupid.

The purpose of challenging a pirate captain is to get something they want that the captain has in his possession. And in Jiho's case, he wants Jimin and Taehyung.

The corners of Yoongi's mouth twitched into a small but sly smile.

"I accept your challenge." At these words, Jin stepped up.

"Yoongi, don't get ahead of-," but he was cut off by Yoongi holding his hand up, a dangerous glint in his eye.

"I'll be fine, besides, this should be fun."

Namjoon and Echo untied Jiho and quickly moved out of the way to make room for the two.

Making a ring, Yoongi's crew watched as the two men circled each other, like tigers. Jimin and Taehyung were holding hands tightly, their flesh turning white from how hard they were squeezing each other.

Suddenly, Jiho lunged. It was a foolish move, considering how well Yoongi could dodge.

Stepping to the side, Yoongi quickly parried Jiho's attack, and swung his sword in a high arc, effectively cutting a gash on his side.

Jiho stumbled back, clearly disoriented by how easily Yoongi defended against his attack. He blundered foreword again, swinging his sword in every direction he could.

It was too easy, Yoongi could laugh. He could dodge Jiho's swords like it was a child holding it.

It was honestly no surprise to anyone when Jiho was disarmed, his sword flying high in the sky, and embedding itself into the deck.

Jiho froze, his eyes going cross eyed as he looked at the point of Yoongi's sword just in front of his eyes. Yoongi smirked.

"I, Kim Jiho, challenge you, Min Yoongi to a duel~," Yoongi singsonged, watching in amusement as Jiho paled.

"P-please don't k-kill me!" Jiho stuttered, backing up as Yoongi advanced. He kept backing up until he felt his back hit the ships railing, and looking over the edge, saw dark water, sloshing and churning as if invited him to jump.

Turning back, Jiho faced the Pirate King, and now, he understood why so many people feared him.

The king's eyes were dark, and his entire face was masked with a deadly aura. Just standing in front of him made you tremble in fear.

"Don't kill me, you say," Yoongi repeated, his sword still pointed between Jiho's eyes. "Ok." He removed his sword and slid it back into its case. Jiho let out a visible sigh of relief and slumped down a little.

Then Yoongi swept him off his feet and sent him careening down to the waves below.

Peering over the edge to make sure Jiho didn't try to climb back onto the ship, Yoongi signaled to Cala to hoist the sails and get the ship going.

Below, they could faintly hear Jiho screaming and pleading for help, but, in Yoongi's opinion, he got what he deserved.

And Jimin, being the small bean he was, was shook, even after the ship sailed far away from the place where Jiho was dropped.

So Jin guided him to the kitchen and asked Nori to make Jimin some soup. A few minutes Taehyung joined him.

"That was," Jimin couldn't find any words to express what he was currently feeling at that moment. Deep down, he felt kind of bad for Jiho, but then he remembered what he had done and what he could have done.

"Cool?" Taehyung answered, humming thoughtfully after drinking a bit of soup. In the sea, they didn't drink soup, but ate seaweed and fish. And yes, they ate fish.

(Don't give us the shit about fish being on speaking terms with mermaids. Have you ever seen a cow talk to a human?)

"I guess?" Jimin said, his voice tilting at the end.

As they finished up their soup, Jimin found his thoughts being frequently occupied by the Pirate King, and found himself blushing at the idea. He liked the fact that Yoongi had labeled him as "his" even though he technically labeled Taehyung as his as well.

And yes, Jimin may be thinking a bit too fondly of Yoongi, but judging by the shy smiles directed his way that night when Yoongi bid him goodbye, he thinks that Yoongi might be too.

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