Chapter 8

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This is what I imagined Echo to be like.

Cuz she used to be like an assassin of some sort

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Cuz she used to be like an assassin of some sort. She's also mischievous and likes to play with other people.


"Rise and shine bitches!"

Along with this voice came Echo banging on the wood post with her sheathed sword, who Jimin came to learn was every bit as wild as she was deadly.

"Would ya stop that racket woman?" Aiden roared. Jimin came to learn that provoked, Aiden was like a bear who just lost his dinner.

"Shut up guys! You're scaring him!" Jin shouts. Another thing Jimin learned was that everyone listened to Jin. Even Yoongi.

"I'm alright," Jimin says meekly, when Aiden opens his mouth to retort.

And before he could say anything else, the door slams open and Taehyung, in his naked glory stood in front of them, with Jungkook covering his eyes and trying to cover Taehyung's modesty at the same time.

"Chim! I just saw a giant seagu-," He was cut off by Jin throwing a pair of pants in his face.

"Put on some clothes dammit!" Jin shrieked, covering his eyes with his hand.

"But why?" Taehyung whined. "It feels so uncomfortable around this part!" He pointed to his dick.

Apparently merman don't know what dicks are.

"Don't ask questions!" Jin shouted, trying to escape the room. He came in contact with a person, and thinking it was Taehyung being naked, he screamed. It was only poor Jimin, who screamed too and fell backwards, his hands cutting the air as he tried to right himself up.

But the blow he expected never came.

Behind him, Yoongi spoke in a raspy voice. "Scream again and I'll cut your dicks off."

The room filled with tension so thick that a knife could cut through it. Then Taehyung asked, "what are dicks?"

Nobody answered him and all of them ran out the door. Yoongi looked at Taehyung and frowned.

"Don't walk around naked," was all he said before walking out as well.

"What's up with them?" Taehyung asked, his brain still not getting why people ran away when he wasn't wearing any clothes. Jimin sighed.

"Tae, just wear some clothes." Taehyung let out a grumble at this.

"Why?" Jimin smacked him. "Because I said so."

The two continued to bicker all the way up to the deck, where a flurry of excitement was happening.

"What's going on?" Jimin asked, bewildered at how everyone was shouting things and orders and moving around.

"Reo spotted a ship on the horizon," Cala informed them quietly. She had barely spoken to them before, Jimin realized, so her voice was like a puff of fresh air.

"A-a ship?" Jimin squeaked. "Is it a bad ship?"

Yoongi who had just happened to be passing by said, "candyfins, when you are a pirate, there are never any good ships."

Taking the sleeves of both the mermens, Yoongi dragged them to his living quarters, where he made them stay.

"My bedroom is only place on this ship that has a lock. You'll be safer here than anywhere else." The two brothers nod numbly as Yoongi left the room and locked the door.

Taking Taehyungs hand gently, Jimin led them to a small space where they could hide. Settling down, Taehyung squeezed Jimin tightly.

"What if we get found? What if someone dies? Oh no! What if Jungkook dies?"

Jimin shushed him, and wrapped his arms around his brothers shaking frame. "No one will die," Jimin promised.

Above them, booming noises were beginning to form, and the shouting became louder.

Then, a huge crack could be heard. The ship trembled and swayed, and Jimin had a hard time controlling the scream that ripped out of his mouth.

Right after the crack, thuds of what resembled feet started to appear all over the ceiling of Yoongis bedroom.

"They're boarding the ship!" Taehyungs whispered hoarsely.


Then there was a thunk on their door. The two brothers froze, holding their breathes in as if they could prevent whatever was outside that door from coming in. The knob rattled, and a huge body thumped itself against the door.

"Chim," Taehyung whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut.

The door burst open.

From where Jimin could see, a gigantic man stood in the threshold, bald and with an eye patch over the side of his gruesome face. His beady little eyes roamed over the room, and landed on a tuft of pink hair.

With almost lightning speed, he crossed the room, grabbed a fistful of the pink hair, and yanked, drawing out a cry of pain.

The mans eyes widened as he took in the scene before him.

Two boys, who barely looked the age of 18, were hiding there, shaking as the man looked over them. The man smirked.

"So the captain has  two little whores all to himself, eh?" Taehyung shrieked when the man lifted him up over his shoulder, as Jimin tugged on his shirt, pleading the man to let his brother go. But to no avail, because since the two princes were so light, it was easy to carry them.

Exiting out of the room, the man stepped out and made his way back to his ship. With his head swaying, Jimin fought desperately against his captors hold, and tried to make out Yoongi in the crowd.

He spotted him, just barely able to make out the Captain from the swarm of people on the ship. Yoongi was slaying people, left and right, his eyes alight and burning, body twisting out of the way of every blade that come towards him, and Jimin saw his chance.

He mustered up every bit of air he had and screeched, "YOONGI!"

The captain jerked when he heard his name being spoken, and he whipped around to see Jimin being taken away.

Leaping over countless bodies, Yoongi reached the man who had taken the brothers and swung up, cutting a slash deep into the mans leg. The man bellowed and his legs crumpled from the pain.

From there, Yoongi swivelled until he was in front, and slashed again, to cause a cut deep into the mans face. He screamed and finally let go of the young princes, who scrambled as far away from the man as they could.

Pointing his sword at his victim, he spoke.

"Don't touch what is mine."

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