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Emily's P.O.V

I woke up with Alarick's arm around my naked waist. I was facing towards his shirtless broad chest.

There was a twinge of pain between my legs , when I moved them.

This caused me to whimper.

Alarick opened his eyes and gave me that concerned look.

"Are you okay? Do you hurt?"

I shook my head yes.

He got out of bed and picked me up from under the covers. Ooh and he's naked.

I giggled and he looked down at me.

"What's so funny?" He smiled.

"Y-Your naked!" I laughed

We both laughed and looked each other in the eyes. He bent down to kiss me , but something caught my eye.

I looked at the sheets and gasped.

I tapped his shoulder and whispered.


He looked at the sheets and turned his attention back to me.

He kissed me on the forehead and stated.

"Its okay doll , that's just your virginity."

He continued to carry me towards the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and began running my bath water.

"C-Can I have the bath bomb ?" I asked.

"Of course my Queen."

I giggled at him trying to be silly.

He sat me inside the huge tub and began washing my body.

I admired his body as he washed mine. It made me wanna repeat what happened last night. Even though I'm still in pain.

"Can...you get inside , with me?" I whispered.

I mean he was already naked. That alone makes me feel some type of way.

I gave him a little flirty look.

He gave me a suspicious look.

"Are you trying to seduce me , my little vixen?"

I only pouted.

He laughed uncontrollably.

His laugh was beautiful.

Alarick's P.O.V

She gave me a pout and looked down.

"I -I just wanna feel it again."

I don't know how long I can take her talking like this. It drives my wolf and I crazy.

"Give yourself some time to heal. Your still sore."

She gave me another pout and looked away.

I gave in. I can't deny that face.
"I'll get in , but no sex. Your still hurting."

She smiled and nodded.
I smiled at her and got in the tub.

Once I got situated in, she immediately sat on my lap , facing me.

Even though I said no sex, she still wants to feel me against her.

I chuckled at her behavior.

We spent a moment of comfortable silence.I stroked her back lovingly and admired her features while she played with the light hairs on my chest.

I was interupted from day dreaming , till I heard her speak.



"I think- I think I love you."

I immediately stopped what I was doing and looked at her.

"Do you mean that Emily?"

She nodded.

"Besides my grandparents and Zamora. Your the only real person who's ever taken care of me."

She didn't stutter. Wow.

I smiled at her. Like genuinely smiled.

"I love you too Emily. You mean everything to me. The day I laid eyes on you , I became instantly attached. I want to give you my every thing."

She gave me a coy smile

"Well don't get shy on me now , you literally wanted to jump my bones 5 seconds ago." I laughed.

She gave me a confused look.

Oh God.

"J-Jump your Bones? W-What does th-"

"Don't worry about it love."

I cut her off , trying to avoid another awkward conversation.

I finished washing her body and grazed at her hair.

"It's wash day!" I piped up. I try to hype her up for this every time we have it. She hates it.

She groaned deeply.

"C-Cant we just skip it."

I gasped dramatically.

"Oh no , no, no , no skipping."

Taking care of Emily's hair , is like a whole other job. There is a long process in taking care of her hair and I had to do a lot of research on how to take care of it. Since no one's hair is like hers. I had to learn. Bottom line is, type 4 hair requires the most maintenance.

You have to wash it . Deep condition it . Which takes an hour. Dry it. Blow dry it. Style it and trim it. This all probably takes 3 hours.

I'm basically a professional at what I do. She dreads this day. I kinda like it though. My wolf likes the idea of pampering her. Even if she doesn't like it.

Emily's hair was long when I found her , but ever since I've been properly taking care of it, It's grown tremendously.

She tried to get up , and run. Cute.

I gripped her waist to make her stay seated and her mound pressed against my cock.

She whimpered lowly.

I used my Alpha voice to get her attention.

"Let me do your hair Emily. Only Good girls get rewarded."

I gave her a glare

"Right ?" I said knowingly.

"Y-Yes Alpha."

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