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Alarick's P.O.V

Emily giggled.

"Yeah , it's crazy but,Your mother cries gold."

She gasped.

"So does my father!"

"Wierdos!" She laughed

"And now that it's crossed my mind. Where did you learn that word from. You called Michael a wierdo the other day."

I laughed at the memory .

"I learned it from the talking box machine."

"Oh the television?"

"Yeah that thing."

Great , now I have to monitor what she watches.

"Well. Don't use that word. It's mean."

"Oops. I didnt mean to call my parents wierdos then. But I meant it for Michael!"

That's my girl.

I chuckled and she cracked up all over again.

It's been a week and a half and Emily's heat still hasn't come. We were lying in bed talking about all kinds of things.

She suddenly stopped laughing.

"Alarick." She whispered


"Y-You told me where babies come from. A-Are we gonna have a baby?"

I gulped loudly.

I sat up and smiled at her.

"One day Emily."

She looked away and sighed.

Emily's P.O.V

Alarick told me where babies came from last week and apparently they come from the snake in his pants.

Shocking , I know.


He looked at me.

"I'm gonna go catch up with my mom."

"You know where she is?" He asked.

I shook my head yes.

"Okay , have fun dear."

Mother's room was right below ours. I just had to walk down the massive stairs to get there.

"Bye Bye." I whispered.

Before I left I puckered my lips at him waiting for a kiss

"And what is this?" He laughed.

"On the T.V , before the man leaves , he kisses the girl. Your supposed to kiss me. Duh."

Doesn't he know anything

He laughed some more and kissed me on my mouth.

I learned a new word from that lady. We were learning how to describe things. If there was one word to describe the kiss we shared it would probably be...

'Yummy'. I thought.

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