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Alarick's P.O.V

When Emily came back from flying with her mother, we were given a room.

Emily was currently changing into the pajamas from the wardrobe that her mother kept for her.

As I was getting ready for bed , there was a knock on the door.

I went to it and opened it. It was Emily's father. He was dressed in a classic suit and held a black briefcase.

"I was just checking up on you guys, before I leave. I have to go to Berlin for a meeting."

I nodded my head.

"We'll be fine. If we need anything, I'll talk to Selina."

"There's a kitchen on this floor at the very end of the hall. And there are supplies in your bathroom cabinet."

I knew what he meant by supplies. He threatened me about getting Emily pregnant. Conversation of the year.

I guess Emily heard us talking , because as she came out the bathroom with her little pajamas on.

"W-Why are you dressed like that? Are Y-You leaving me?" Tears welled up in her eyes.

Vincent ran up to Emily and smiled at her.

"I'll be right back Emily, I promise. I have to go take care of a few things, but when I come back we can go do something real fun. Okay?"

She nodded her head yes and went back into the bathroom.

Vincent got up and walked out the room. Before he left I whispered to him, so Emily couldn't hear.

"She gets emotional when she sees me in a suit. That's when she knows I leave."

He nodded his head, understanding the situation.

Curiosity took over me suddenly.

"And, how does she have clothes that fit her here. Did Seline know where she was?"

He shook his head no.

"Female Angels become extremely obsessive when their kids come up missing. She would buy clothes for her every year just in case she'd come back."

I could tell he didn't want to talk anymore.

"Well, thanks for everything."

"Your Welcome, expect me back in a week."

When he left I turned to Emily. She was sitting on the bed watching SpongeBob.

After I got undressed. I got on the bed with Emily. I pulled her on me so we were laying down together.

I could feel her glancing at me every few minutes.

She moved her hand on my chest and sighed.

"What's wrong Emily?"

"N-Nothing." She squeaked out.

There was a long comfortable silence untill she got my attention by tapping me.

I looked over at her.

"C-Can , you..."

She blushed and looked away.

"What Emily?" I smiled at her shyness.

"I-I want you to kiss me again." She whispered.

Literally the cutest thing ever.

I smiled at her and went on to give her what she wanted.

The kiss was sweet and soft. It was nice, until she threw her leg over mine.

Alarick Jr. Was standing proud and tall under the covers.

Her leg grazed over my dick and she fliched away.

"Alarick? What is that?!"

Should I tell her? She should know these things , shes a grown woman.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when she grabbed me by the junk.

"Ooof, Emily , don't touch that!"

"Oh my goodness ! Alarick! You have a snake in your pants!"

"No Emily it's not a snake."

"Y-Yes it is , it's a snake! We have to get it out!"

She tried to pull down my underwear. What the hell!

"No Emily, stop and listen!"

She stopped what she was doing.

"It's not a snake."

"It's not?"

"It's not." I replied

She looked disappointed after finding out that she was wrong.

"Then what is it?"

I sighed and looked at her. This is gonna be an awkward conversation.

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