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Emily P.O.V.

After everyone was out of sight , I made my precious wings retract and disappear behind my back  before anyone saw.

(A/N:)  Emily can make her wings appear and disappear any time she likes.

"Good job , my sweet girl. Don't let the Alpha see what his greedy heart desires to destroy"

"W-What do you mean Zamora, the Alpha here isn't mean is he?"

"Im not going to lie to you my girl, but I feel a very dangerous presence here. Do you feel it?"

"I do Zamora." I mind linked.


Narrator P.O.V

A guard led Alarick to his latest prisoner.

"Why , its just a little girl." he grumbled

"Why waste my time in showing me this? Why not dispose of this intruder the way we do all intruders?"

Alarick's voice was dangerously calm. The gaurd was petrified of what might happen to him next.

"A-Alpha, she had wings sir. I swear!"

Alarick knew this beautiful woman was his mate. It was hard to conceal it, but he had to play the part. He wanted to keep her a secret.

Tensions were very high in the Kingdom with other rouge territories and if they were ever to find out that Alarick had a mate, they would try to do anything to get to him. He wasn't quite ready for this to happen.

He made sure to remember his mates features. Her brown doe eyes, those lips , her figure , her dark glowy skin , and her long pretty hair. She was fascinating

Alarick pulled out his silver pistol. He looked at the weapon, took a deep breath, and shot the man where he was standing.

A yelp left Emily's lips, and hot tears fell down her face. She had never seen someone get killed in front of her.

Alarick looked at his mate and heard her ask a question, but didn't answer. He had his mind set on protecting his mate.

He rushed upstairs to head to his office. He sat in his chair and rushed to dial his gammas number.

After a few rings the Gamma , Ethan picked up.

"Send me the soldiers who found my latest prisoner." Alarick growled out

"Of course Alpha"

"And tell them that they have an award awaiting them." He said menacingly.

"Right away Alpha"

Alarick planned on killing all of the gaurds who were connected to finding his mate. It would really suck if the soldiers spread rumors about it.
That'd be more men to kill. He chuckled at the thought. In his defense , he did make all of his soldiers sign confidentiality forms , so he wouldn't have to kill boys with big mouths.

Alarick wasn't too keen on killing his own , but.... Oh well , just something that has to be done.

After ending the call with the Gamma , he called in a maid to give his little 'prisoner' a room.

Emily P.O.V.

He just killed his own guard and didn't even flinch!  He really is cruel!

I sobbed. I cried for the man who just lost his life, because it was my fault. If I had never hid my wings , the man wouldn't have been killed.

"Z-Zamora" I mind linked

"Save those tears child, That man had no reason to kill the guard. Its his fault not yours. Don't let him see you cry."

I wiped my tears away and looked up at the murderer in front of me.

"W-Why kill?" I whimpered.

The man just ignored me  and walked away.


Maids P.O.V.

When I hear the bell notifying me that the king needs assistance, I immediately rush down to his office.

I knocked on his door, and after hearing him say come in, I walked in and stood before him.

"Yes , your majesty?"

"Go give the new female prisoner a guest room. If news makes it out about you giving her a room, Ill have your head in a dog bowl."

"Y-Yes my king. You have my word."

Taking a bite from his apple and spinning in his chair, he replied.

"Your word doesn't mean shit to me Sara."

I know he might kill me  after I do his deed.

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