"Christine's fine," Troy shrugged as he continued to watch the movie.

Let me explain about Troy. He wasn't that guy that catered to a girl as most guys do. He found humor in the most obscure things. Christine is melodramatic, where Troy isn't. Things don't bother this guy. I like him better than the other guys Christine dated who jumped to her beck and call.

Christine should marry Troy because I can tolerate him. I can't stand most people, including Frazier's.

It was a couple of months since I saw Gloria. She wanted to cool it, so we cooled it. It sucked ass. I saw her and wanted to jump her, but had to refrain myself.

I don't know why she doesn't leave that idiot? Hell, I don't see why any woman would want to wrap themselves up with a Frazier boy? Have you met them? The Frazier's are the definition of their mom should have swallowed them. I don't understand how Charles was friends with Maurice, and Mason did business with Marty.

Mason is smart with stopping business with those boobs. Charles married an intelligent woman who killed his friendship with his idiotic friends. My brother is an idiot for cheating on her. Hell, I was an idiot for having a relationship with Gloria. Damn, I missed her.

I left class and strolled through campus without a care in the world, finding myself at the coffeehouse. Yeah, I didn't learn anything with my time apart from Gloria. You think the distance would kill any romantic urges lingering. It doesn't. It makes the heart grow fonder. In my case, more stupid.

My brain said to run, and my heart told my legs, go to your woman. These two things conflict a lot with each other, putting me in a situation I don't need. I looked at Gloria after walking into the coffeehouse, and even though I don't need it, I want it.

I stood in line and waited until I reached the counter. Gloria looked at me, surprised.

"Yeah, give me a coffee and," I said as I leaned in, adding, "you."

I watched Gloria bite her bottom lip as I leaned back. I know I'm playing with fire, but I didn't care. I wanted Gloria in so many ways.

She went to get my coffee and returned with it. I paid for it, then left. Once I was out of view, I dumped the coffee out. I should have ordered hot cocoa and stop wasting my money.

Later on, I went back to the coffeehouse to find her cleaning up. Tapping on the window, Gloria looked up, noticing me standing there. I smiled and waved as she walked to the door, unlocking it. After stepping inside, she locked the door.

"Did you take care of your issues?" I asked.

"In a manner of speaking," Gloria replied as she went back to cleaning up. I followed her.

"Does it have anything to do with Maurice?" I asked.

Gloria didn't look at me as she cleaned. "When doesn't it have to do with Maurice?"

That answered bothered me.

"Maurice and his family can do whatever the hell they want, and nothing happens," Gloria said, her tone laced with anger.

"You don't have to stay with Maurice," I mentioned as her head snapped up, and she looked at me.

"It's easy for people to say that. Leave your husband, if you're unhappy. Find a new place, if things aren't working. It's easy to say, but harder to do," Gloria told me.

"What about our plans?" I asked.

She looked at me. "Carri, you still have another year of school to finish. Do you think that when you graduate that you will wait for me?" Gloria asked doubtfully.

"I will wait forever," I admitted as Gloria's expression changed to surprise. "I meant what I said. After I graduate, I want us to leave. I can take care of the legalities of your marriage. We'll start over, and you'll never deal with the Frazier family again."

"I don't know," Gloria said hesitantly, shaking her head. I know she was unsure of us.

I thought about it, then said, "I don't know what is going on at home, but we can be together when Maurice leaves."

Gloria looked at me, doubtful. I walked towards her and took her hands in mine.

"Trust me," I said as Gloria sighed. I know she had doubts, but it was time to call in a favor. Someone owes me for saving their ass. I smiled as Gloria furrowed her brows.

I borrowed Joseph's car and waited in an empty parking lot, leaning against it. A few minutes later, a car pulled up next to me and stopped.

Brian Morgan emerged along with two guys. They walked over to me.

"Carrington, this is Andrew Bradley and Carl Holliday," Brian introduced us. I shook Andrew's and Carl's hands. "Now, what did you need?" Brian asked.

"I need you to keep Maurice and his brothers busy," I mentioned as Brian gave me a sideways glance. "I'm cashing in on a favor I did for you." I shrugged.

Brian looked at me, annoyed.

"Or would you like me to tell your dad about a deal you made with the Mendoza crew that went south?" I asked, knowing I was playing with fire.

The Mendoza family was a cartel in Mexico who did business with the Santiago's. Both families were into guns and drugs. The Morgan family received their supply of weapons from both families, making the guns untraceable.

Charles made a deal with Santiago's, dealing with drugs, enlisting Charles's idiot friends. It was a lousy deal and pissed off Mason. Our family moves money under a business front, and drugs were a dangerous game to handle. The feds referred to it as racketeering.

All families have skeletons in their closets. We hid ours well.

Brian thought about it, then agreed to help me. We shook on the deal. It would prove to be the wrong decision on my part with what is to come.

Love makes us do dumb things and make bad decisions, but someone will show me that sometimes, attachment comes from a different source. That person will give me the love I thought I found, unconditional.

Carrington (Wattpad version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant