Chapter 15

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It's been two days. She hasn't left her room. I check on her every hour. Tonight when I open her door, she's sitting up. Staring at the wall blankly. "Jordan." I whisper.
"What?" I ask.
"I promise. Sam I won't ever tell."
I realize she's still asleep. I walk closer to her. "Jordan, wake up."
"Please, stop. Sam make him stop. I don't want to do this anymore. It hurts." I grab her shoulder and softly shake her. "NO!!" She screams blinking. She begins to breathe heavily. She stares at me. Then bolts to the bathroom quickly shutting the door and locking it. Then the shower turns on, and loud sobbing.
"Jordan! Open the door." I beg.
I can hear her mumbling, "So dirty. I need this dirt out of me."
"Hey Nick! Bring me the bathroom key!" I shout.
Less then ten seconds later he showed up with the key. "What's going on?"
"I'll tell you later. Go get the first aid kit set it on the bed, then close the door."
His face turns white but he nods. I unlocked the door and slip into the cloud of steam, her words louder. "So dirty." I grabbed a towel from under the sink and open the curtain slightly, I turn the water off. She begins to shout, "No! No! I'm not clean."
"Jordan, baby it's me. Mommy. Come here."
"No. I'm not clean. I need water. Really hot water. I need this dirt out of me."
"I'm gonna open the curtain and get you out."
"No, I'm... I'm not clean." I slide the curtain open and hold my breathe. Her skin is red and her arms are bleeding. "Momma, I'm sorry. I'm dirty, I have to be clean. His dirt is in me. I have to get it out. I don't want to be dirty, Momma." I wrap her in a towel and carry her to the bed. She keeps mumbling, "Dirty. I'm so dirty." I grab a big T-shirt from the drawer and slipping it over her head. She whimpers quietly.
"Jordan, this is gonna sting." She nodded. I pressed the towel against her cuts and feel her tense up. I put the towel under her arm and wet a few Cotten balls with hydrogen peroxide. I watch her face tense as I quickly swipe her open arms. Then wrap them gently. By the time I get her cleaned up and the first aid kit put back together. She's asleep. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead.
I slowly walk down the hall way. I step into my room and dropped to the floor. "Demi, you okay?" Nick asks. I can't hold it back anymore. I break down crying hard as my heart broke for my daughter. "Is she okay?" He asks causing me to hiccup. I close my eyes as the flashbacks begin. "Demi, let's lay down." I nod. "Babe, what can I do?" Nick whispers.
"Hold me."

I hold Demi until she's asleep. It's 12 in the morning. Both my girls are broken. I have no clue what to do. I slowly unwrap myself from Demi and walk to the kitchen. I sit on the counter and think.
"Nick?" I don't know how long I've been sitting here. "What are you doing." Demi asks.
"Thinking about her and you. I don't understand."
"Understand what?"
"Why are you still hurting so much? Why is she hurting?"
"Nick, I'm not hurting."
"You are. I know."
"Baby, I can't tell you. I don't know how. I do know that if Jordan and I are feeling the same pain. We can help her. I know that you can help her the same way you helped me. She's like me Nick. We can help her before she turns out like I did."
I don't even know what to say. I hear a whimper. "I'll get her." I whisper. I walk up the stairs. I open the door and turn on the light. "Jordan. Wake up." Her breath hitches and she opens her eyes, alert. "Breathe." She holds her arms out to me. "Come here." She pulls the blanket tight around her body and crawled into my arms. I hold her tight, as she breathes softly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Daddy."
She begins to snore shortly after. I closed my eyes and let the tears flow down my cheeks until I am asleep as well.
I wake up to a flash on a camera. "Demi. Delete it now." I whisper sternly.
"Fuck off." Jordan mumbles pissed.
"Well good afternoon too. I was gonna see if you wanted some coffee from Starbucks."
"Do I look like the classic white rich bitch to you?" Jordan snaps.
"Well..." Demi starts.
"That's a sarcastic! Rhetorical question! Ugh... Of coarse I want, no I need coffee, and some deodorant for mister flawless, cuz he smells like a monkey's ass. I'm sorry N.D.E., but you are a hot mess. I just simply cannot go out with you looking like that."
"Wow, kid. you wake up in a mood."
"Wrong Dad. I wake up AWESOME."
"Well, since we're going out how about we get you some new clothes." Demi suggest.
Jordan nods and hops out off bed. She jogs into her closet and grabs some clothes and goes to the bathroom. I shake my head and chuckle. Demi turns her phone around and speaks, "That my sweet Lovatics is my daughter, and how she wakes up." She smiles and then turns the camera back to me. I smile and then get out of bed.

We stop outside Starbucks I ask, "Where do you like to shop?"
"Hot topic. I mean I don't really shop much because I just think it's stupid. I don't usually have any money."
"What size are you? Anything I need to know? Like what I should be shopping for?"
"I'm a size zero in pants. I like black nothing pink. I hate red. I like sweatshirts and hoodies in large and shirts. I like t-shirts graphic or plain, I'm a small in shirts. "
"Alright, we'll start with hot topic. No pink, no red. Here we go." We head down the mall. I notice how Jordan's peering around us quickly and then looking down. I'll bring it up later.
"Hey, Demi."
"So, um... Can I meet your Mom and Sister?"
"Of course. We can go over there after we're done."
We stop outside Hot Topic. I began to reminisce my days in this store. We step inside the dimmed lights. I see something in Jordan change. Her eyes lost the light she had when she was playing softball. "How about these pants." I hold up a pair of black skinny jeans with shredded holes on the shins. She nods not even looking at them. "You said a size zero right?"
"Okay, go try these on. I'm going to find some shirts. Any bands or shows?"
"Um yeah, Spider-Man the ones with the least amount of red, or any um... Superheroes. I like the walking dead too."
I nod and start my search through the shirts, "Hey Mom." I barely hear Jordan, as she steps up behind me. I turn around to see her staring at her feet holding onto her pants. They pool around her feet. "Do they look good?" She whispers.
"Honey, they're way too big. How about you go change and we can buy some shirts then go to Pac Sun, Zumiez, and Forever 21."
She nods and I call my Mom, "Hello?"
"Hey, Momma."
"Hey, Demi, I can barely hear you are you in Hot Topic?"
"Yeah, actually. How'd you know?"
"Cuz, I can see you."
"Oh, okay. Jordan and I will be out in one sec."
Jordan steps out and smiles slightly. I hold up the shirts I have. she likes all of them. We checkout and meet Mom outside.
"Hi, Jordan how you been?" Mom asks  after she hugs me.
"I'm alright. Is um... Is M-Maddie here?" Jordan asks.
My Mom smiles glancing at me. Asking silently about Jordan's sudden stutter, while answering the question. "No, actually she's at Ariel right now. Demi's other sister Dallas is here."
"Oh, really where?" I ask.
"Hey, lil sis!" Dallas screams.
I look at Jordan and whisper,"If we start running now we can lose her before she can catch up."
"Too late." Dallas says as Jordan giggle.
"Who is this? This isn't my niece Jordan?"
Jordan looks at her with wide eyes and smiles, "That in fact I am."
"Well then, new niece Jordan, let's shop till we drop. Demi, my niece and I are going to shop for a little. Call me if you need me."
"Alright, here's some money, Dallas don't embarrass her."
"Bye Momma. See you later." I smile as I watch her walk away with Dallas.
"We should go sit down." Mom says. "So the stutter?" She asks.
"Actually that's new. I'm not sure about that. I think she's just nervous. She um... Actually just tried on a size zero pair of pants and was swimming in them. She slept for two days and had an episode last night. I'm not exactly sure what I should do, I-I'm stumped."
"How are you doing?"
"Honestly, I'm struggling. I've been having these dreams. I'm a little girl. I'm crying and screaming for you and Eddie but you won't come. It's really dark and I am begging someone named Brad to--"
"Brad? As in your older cousin brad?"
"Cousin Brad? I don't remember cousin Brad."
"Yeah, Patrick's side of the family. He's about seven years older than you. He hurt you didn't he? I knew it. I knew. I told Patrick. I told that bastard. He said that I was making it up and that Brad would never and that little kids just play."
"Mom, I don't know what he did. I have these dreams where I'm begging a Brad to stop. He won't and then I wake up."
My mom opens her mouth, but is cut off buy my phone ringing. "Hello?"
"Yeah Demi, it's Dallas. um... Jordan and I just left forever 21. She stopped screaming and nearly jumped into my arms. Repeating over and over 'It's him. It's him.' She's like having a panic attack. I don't know what to do."
"I'm on my way. Just stay there. Put the phone to her ear." I listened to the shuffle as I run down the hall toward Forever 21. "Hey Jordan. Jordan breathe, okay, Let's count just like Daddy does okay. Put your hand on Dallas' stomach match her breathing and count. One."
"Two, baby girl. I can see you, Okay. I'm going to hang up."
"Jordan, was it Sam?"
She shook her head and said, "Momma, I-I want dad."
"Okay, let's get you home."
She stands wiping her face. She hugs Dallas tightly and Dallas whispers in her ear. She waves to my Mom and grabs my hand. "I'll see you later Jordi."
"Okay, I'm sorry Aunt Dal."
"Hey. It's okay."
We walk out to the car and she whispers, "Momma, I need to tell you something."

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