Chapter 4

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I feel like they're tip-toeing around me, ever since my panic attack yesterday. They're nice but I can tell that they're plotting something. I don't know what. I have been sitting in this room for hours, this white blank room. All I can do it think about everything, everything I need and want. I think about my life, my life is a mess. I need to call Coach, she's going to be so upset that I can't but I mean things happen. "Demi!" I holler from the room.
"Yeah? What's wrong?"
"Um, can I use your phone?"
"Yeah sure."
"Thanks." I wait till she leaves the room to dial my softball coach's number. "Hey coach, this is Jordan, um... I kinda fucked up my leg so I can't play for, one sec." I yell for Demi again, "Demi! When is my leg going to be better?"
"You can walk in two days. You can run in a week or so. Why?" She asks walking in.
I hold up a finger so I can finish my message, "Okay, coach I can't play for like a week. Sorry, call this number back if you need anything."
"You done?"Demi asks as she sits on the bed.
"Yeah, I just had to let my coach know I wasn't going to be at the game or practice this week."
"You play softball?"
"Yeah, I also play soccer and basketballs. I dance as well ballet, hip-hop, tap, pretty much all types of dance."
"Oh damn. Your foster families pay for all that?"
"Umm... No, my Aunt does."
"Okay, so I have something to talk to you about."
"So when I came back from Africa, Nick and I got our foster care license. I think Nick and I agree we would like to take you in. I just wanted to know your thoughts."
"What do you mean, no?" Nick asks peaking in the door.
Demi spins around glaring at him. "I can't put you guys in this situation. I'm fucked up. I can't be handled. You don't understand. You'll kick me out in a week, just like everyone else. That's why I'm better off by myself."
"No, we will not kick you out. Here's the thing obviously you have had a hell of a past. I mean judging by the nightmares you have. I'm not going to give you much of an option. You are going to stay with us, whether you like it or not." Nick tells me.
I roll my eyes as if I haven't heard that before, "But-." I start.
"Nope, you're stuck with us," Nick says smirking like a smug sassy ass. "Demi go call the agency. Notify them we have her and are going to take care of her." Demi leaves and Nick and I stare at each other. "So, Jordan do you want to go watch your practice?"
I shrug, "Sure."
As we drive and feel like he is trying to play twenty questions and I'm just not in the mood."What position do you play in softball?" He asks.
"Catcher and pitcher."
"What about soccer and basketball?"
"Soccer I'm center and goalie and basketball point guard."
"Point guard? But you're so short. No offense." He chuckles.
"None taken, I'm pretty aggressive and competitive."
"Were you seriously standing outside the door the entire conversation?" He nods, "Creep, but anyways, I love to dance I've been dancing my whole life. Tap, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Contemporary. I practice Pointe but I haven't quite mastered the technique."
"Damn kid. You go to competitions and shit?"
"Yeah, I win those competitions and shit."
As Nick helps me out of the car I hear my teammates squeal, "OMG!" I shake my head and facepalms. "You're Nick Jonas!"
"Jordan you're with Nick fuckin Jonas."
"I know. Now practice. If you plan on beating the Fireballs on Saturday."
The entire practice I sit screaming corrections at my teammates. When it's over, I look at him, "Can we stop by my dance studio to tell them I won't be in this week?"
"Yeah of course, where's it at? Demi is going to meet us at the Pizza Hero for lunch and then we are going to go to the recording studio."
"Two blocks take a right and then It's on the left."
"Okay." When we arrived, I tell my teacher that I will not be able to dance till next week.
Then we go to the pizza place. Demi is already here, "I ordered a cheese pizza and half pepperoni and sausage pizza. Is that okay?"
"How was practice?" Demi asked.
"My teams couldn't get their head in the game because mister 'Nick fuckin Jonas' was there. I hope you know Nick that we are going to lose to the Fireballs and it's all your fault."
"Well, it's not my fault I was born this flawless."
"What?" Demi and I asked at the same time.
"Nick, correction 'Mister Flawless' you have a pimple."
"Nope. There's no way."
Demi starts laughing and nodding,
"Yeah, you do. It's on your nose it's not too big."
"Sorry, Flawless."
We finish our pizza. Demi eats two pieces and Nick eats the three, but I eat seven.
"Can I use the restroom before we leave?"
*********TRIGGER WARNING*******
'More, the more you eat the more you can puke up.' I stuffed myself with seven pieces of pizza. 'Good job you fat pig.'
"Yeah. We're gonna pay."
I walk to the restroom and stick my fingers down my throat and all my pizza comes up. I was about to make sure I got it all when I heard the door swoosh open. I flushed the toilet and went to the sink and washed my hands. I met them at the door and we drive to the studio.

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