Chapter 25: Guys' Night Out

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"Morning, Denny," Lucia smiled, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"Morning, Lucia," Denny smiled a little.

"Feeling a bit better?"


Lucia kissed his cheek. "Good."

"Yeah. Sean helped too."

"I'm glad that you guys are becoming friends," Lucia smiled.

"He's a good guy."

"He really is."

Just then, Paisley came in. "Lucia," she smiled, approaching the counter, "how are you?"

"I'm doing well," Lucia nodded. "And yourself?"

"Very tired," Paisley sighed. "I have to go into the hospital until five, and then go home and get some sleep before going back at nine and staying until four in the morning."

"Yikes," Lucia chuckled. "I certainly don't envy your job."

"Yeah, well, it pays the bills," Paisley shrugged.

"Can't argue with that. Anyway, what can I get you?"

"Double espresso. To go."

"Coming right up," Lucia nodded.

Denny looked down and went to cash Paisley out. "Hi, Paisley."

"Hi, Denny," she nodded.

"Four dollars is the total."

Paisley gave him the money. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"Um...look, I'm really really sorry."

"No, it's fine. It's what you wanted."

"Still...I'm- I'm sorry."

Denny looked at her sadly. "I am too."

Lucia handed Paisley her coffee. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Paisley nodded. "I'll see you later?"

"Probably. I have to pull a double shift, so it just depends on when you come in."

"Alright. Bye." Paisley left with a small sigh.

Lucia turned to Denny. "Are you alright?"

Denny sighed and just walked away.

"Poor kid," Lucia sighed.

Denny took a few minutes before returning, looking a bit sad.

Lucia put a hand on his shoulder.

"Why does she have to come here?" Denny asked quietly.

"Because it's on the way to the hospital," Lucia shrugged. "It'll be alright. You'll get over her."

"I guess."

Lucia wrapped an arm around him. "Do you want to hit that pizza place on our lunch break?"

"Sure. I could have some pickle pizza."

Lucia gagged. "You are disgusting, and I don't understand why."

Denny smiled.

"Just promise me you won't put pineapple on it. I don't think I could continue to be your sister."

"I might."

"If you do that, I'm taking you to the Indian place tomorrow for payback."

"Ugh. Indian food."

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