Chapter 15: I Didn't Do Anything

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"Hey, Sean," Lucia smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Hey, Babe," Sean smiled.

"What are your plans for today?"

"I don't know. Maybe go look around the city. See if I like it."

"Awesome," Lucia smiled. "I'm going over to Denny's. I have to help him with an experiment. He can't be trusted to do it alone."

"From your letters, I trust that that statement is true," Sean laughed.

"I've gotta run." Lucia kissed him briefly. "See you later, Babe."

Sean waved.

Lucia smiled back at him before leaving and getting into her car. Soon, she arrived at Denny's apartment and went up. "Hey, Denny," she called as she opened the door.

Denny was in the kitchen making a sandwich. He looked up, waving with the butter knife in his hand. "Hey."

"Put that thing down," Lucia chuckled. "You're going to hurt yourself."

Denny scoffed and kept adding more mayonnaise to his sandwich. "I'm just making lunch, Luci."

Lucia cringed slightly. "That's one disgusting sandwich."

"What? It's potato chips, mayonnaise, bologna, and pickles."

"Yuck," Lucia gagged. "Please tell me this isn't the experiment."

"Maybe. Want a taste?" Denny held the plate out.

"Um, let me think about that for a- no," Lucia chuckled. "I'm good, thanks."

Denny shrugged and took a bite. "Your loss."

"Beg to differ," Lucia laughed. "So, what's the real experiment?"

"Not exactly sure. Thought maybe we could do sun and fire experiments."

Lucia's eyes grew wide. "No. Absolutely not. We are keeping you away from fire at all costs!"

"It's controlled."

"Nope. Fire bad. Next idea."

Denny nodded and rubbed his side, itching it but massaging it afterwards while he ate.

Lucia watched as his face contorted in pain for a brief second. "Are you alright?" She frowned.


"Okay," Lucia shrugged. "So, what's option number two for the experiment?"

"I was hoping you'd go along with the fire thing," Denny mumbled.

"Fine," Lucia sighed. "We'll do the fire thing."

Denny smiled. "Awesome. Knew you'd join me, Lucia."

"Yeah, yeah. I think I'll call the ambulance now and tell them to wait downstairs," Lucia chuckled.

"They don't take reservations."

"You'd be surprised what a crisp Benjamin can do."

Denny laughed before wincing.

"Are you okay, Hon?"

Denny nodded. "My stomach hurts."

"Yeah? Probably's that sandwich," Lucia chuckled.

Denny smiled.

"So, what's the experiment exactly?"

"I think figuring out how to light a camp fire quickest using sunlight."

"Alright. Sounds fun."

Denny smiled and finished off the sandwich.

"Why would you finish that if it's giving you a stomachache?" Lucia chuckled.

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