Chapter 14: You Look Flushed

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Hey, Mon," Lucia smiled. "Where are you off to?"

"A date with Jonah."

"Ooh," Lucia grinned. "Where's he takin' ya?"

"I don't know. He said it was somewhat casual. Do you like what I'm wearing?" Monica smiled, spinning around.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you," Monica smiled brighter.

Lucia chuckled. "Go. You don't want to be late."

Monica nodded and left the kitchen. There was a knock on the door and she checked her hair in the foyer mirror before opening it.

"Hey there, beautiful," Jonah grinned.

"Hi, handsome. You ready?" Monica smiled.

"Yep," Jonah nodded.

"So, where are you taking me?" Monica chuckled.

"There's a Italian restaurant."

"Oh, I love Italian!"

Jonah smiled more. "Awesome. Let's go."

Monica nodded and got into the car.


"Yep," Monica nodded, fidgeting nervously with the ring on her finger.

Jonah started the car. With a little smile, he pulled out of the driveway and drove to the restaurant. "So," he said softly, "what's it like to live with your best friend and her boyfriend?"

"It's not too bad. He's very nice."

"That's good," Jonah nodded. "Their constant kissing doesn't get annoying, though?"

"It's not constant."

"Well, I'm happy that they found each other."

"Good. I am glad you feel that way," Monica smiled.

Jonah smiled and kissed her cheek. "So, I was thinking...maybe we could go for a walk through the park after."

"Sure. I'd like that."

"Perfect," Jonah smiled.

"Thanks for doing this, Jonah."

"Thanks for saying yes."

"My crush asks me out and I'd say no? Doesn't sound like me."

"Ooh, your crush," Jonah teased.

Monica giggled nervously.

Jonah pulled into a parking space and they went in and sat together.

"So, what do you usually get here?" Jonah asked as he read the menu.

"Usually pasta carbonara."

"I always get the lasagna. It's out of this world," Jonah nodded.

"I might sneak a bite?"

"Of course," Jonah smiled.

Monica giggled. "All it took was for me to say yes to a date to snag a bit of your meal?"

"Yep," Jonah chuckled.

Monica smiled brightly and ordered a frozen raspberry lemonade when the waitress came over.

Jonah ordered a Dr. Pepper and some breadsticks. "So, do you like working at the coffee shop?"

"I do. It's a lot of fun."

"I've been thinking about getting a job there," Jonah nodded. "I already hate working at the zoo."

"Why? What's the problem?"

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