Chapter 12: No One's Hurt...Physically

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A few days later, a letter from Potato Guy arrived in the mail. It read:

Dearest Lydia,

I wish I could give my mother your hello, but unfortunately, she passed away two months ago. That's why I haven't written you. I'm sorry to say she made one last attempt at life and gave out. It's so weird to have lost both my parents, and now be all alone here in this house. No one to take care of, nor anyone to talk to. Except you.

I read your letters to keep me hopeful and somewhat happy during this grieving period. Your letters were invaluable to helping me sleep. I'd read your letters and my heart would lighten and I could manage a few hours of slumber. Thank you.

I apologize that I don't have much to say, but that has been the case for a while. I sometimes wonder if my voice still works because of how little I use it.

Let me know how you guys are doing. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Potato Guy

Lucia's heart sank as she read his penned words. "Monica, come here!"

Monica rushed over. "Who's hurt? Is Denny in the hospital again?"

"No one's hurt...physically," Lucia sighed. "Potato Guy's mother died."

Monica frowned sadly and came over. "That's awful."

"Yeah," Lucia frowned. "I-I have to write home back...Gosh, just read this. He sounds so lonely."

Monica nodded and handed her some paper.

Lucia immediately began to write:

Dear Potato Guy,

I am SO sorry to hear about your mother. It really makes me so sad for you. I know what it's like and I know that it's really hard.

Look, I know that you're going through a lot right now, but if you don't have any reason to stay in Montana, why don't you come visit me in Seattle? I mean, Monica and I have an extra room, so you'd have a place to stay. I know she'd be totally cool with it.

What do you say? Come visit me?

Love you lots,

"There," Lucia sighed. "I invited him to come visit."

Monica smiled. "Somehow, I knew you would. You know, he could even stay with Denny."

"Yeah, but Denny's a total stranger. At least he knows me a bit," Lucia shrugged. "It might be easier for him to be with someone who understands his pain."

"That's also true."

"I really hope he comes," Lucia nodded. "I've been wanting to meet him, and it sounds like he could really use a friend right now."

"Yeah, I agree. Losing anyone is rough."

"Yeah," Lucia sighed. "Yeah, it is."

"I have to go to the store, so I'll mail your letter."

"Okay, thanks," Lucia smiled. "I'm going to go see Denny. He called me fifteen minutes ago and said something about breaking his ankle or a lamp or the couch."

"Those three things are very different, Luci," Monica laughed.

"I was only half paying attention," Lucia chuckled. "I'm going to go over now. See you later."

Monica waved and left.

Lucia quickly got dressed and drove to Denny's. She let herself in and frowned when she saw Denny sitting on the floor in the kitchen. "So, I guess it was the ankle, then," she sighed, rushing over to him. "Honey, what happened?"

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