Chapter 19: Betrayed

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Three weeks later.

Lucia kissed Denny's cheek. "Alright, Hon. I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okie dokie. I'll be fine." Denny saluted.

"Okay, good," Lucia smiled. "I'm off to my dad's. I wanted to tell him more about Sean. I texted him about some of it, but I feel like it's something that should be said in person."

"I agree. Saying that the guy you've been writing to is the long lost love of your life is a big deal."

"Yeah," Lucia nodded. "Well, I'll see you later. Bye!"

Denny waved and Lucia went to her car.

She eagerly put the key in the ignition and drove to her father's house. During the car ride, she went over in her head everything that she wanted to tell her father. She soon arrived and hopped out of the car. But there was another car in the driveway she didn't recognize.

"Maybe Dad bought another Lambo," she shrugged, unlocking the front door.

She went in and found a woman in her father's arms, kissing him.

"Um...Dad?" Lucia stammered.

Her father looked back at her. "Oh, hi, Pumpkin."

Lucia backed up slowly. "I-I should go."

"Come here. I want you to meet someone."

"N-no. That's okay," Lucia said quickly. "I just remembered that I have somewhere to be."

"Lucia!" Leonardo called after her.

Lucia left and quickly shut the door behind her, running to her car. Hot tears running down her cheeks, she drove back to Denny's apartment and went inside.

"That was fast," Denny observed.

Lucia broke into sobs and leaned her back against the door.

Denny paused for a second and got up, walking to her. "Lucia, what's wrong?" He asked, his tone soft and warm.

Lucia embraced him tightly, burying her face in his chest. "H-how could he do this to me? To- to Mom?" She cried.

Denny hugged his friend, rubbing her back slowly. "Do what?"

"He- and she- they were-" Lucia sobbed.

Denny nodded and quietly held her. "It'll be okay."

"He- he was in his living room, and- and they were on the couch, him and some woman," Lucia sniffled. "They were kissing."

Denny paused his rubbing for a slight second as he thought about it.

"He didn't even mention any of it to me," Lucia sighed. "I just feel so betrayed." She sobbed into her friend's chest for a while, letting her pain fall down her cheeks. "H-how could he do this to Mom?" She cried.

"Come on, let's get you some tissues," Denny said softly.

"How's that going to fix this?" Lucia sniffled.

"It will help dry your eyes."

"I've got your shirt for that," Lucia laughed weakly. "Really, Denny, what do I do?"

Denny didn't say anything for a few minutes. "I guess...after everything calms down, you go talk."

"I can't talk to him after this. I was totally blindsided."

"You can talk to him. He's your dad."

"But why wouldn't he have discussed this with me? Did he think that it wouldn't affect me at all?"

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