Chapter 1: Java Shot

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"Hey," Monica grinned, leaning on the table.

"God!" Lucia exclaimed, clutching at her chest. "You scared the heck out of me!"

"Sorry," Monica chuckled. "What're you doing?"

"Just writing," Lucia shrugged. "I need a new piece of paper. You made me smudge."

"Who are you writing to, anyway? Is it to Mister French Fry or something?" Monica asked, going to the desk to get her roommate a piece of paper.

"Potato Guy," Lucia corrected. "And yes. I'm telling him about my trip to Italy."

"Oh, yeah...and will he be joining you? Why don't you meet the guy?"

"I don't know," Lucia shrugged, taking the paper from her friend. "I just...I mean, I know we've been writing for two years and all, but...but I guess I'm just too nervous. I mean, I don't even know his real name."

"You know nothing about him?" Monica asked, sitting across from Lucia. "What kind of relationship is that?"

"I actually know a lot about him," Lucia nodded. "He's smart, kind, funny...he loves potatoes, hence the name. He plays golf and lives on a ranch. He really hates the country, though."

"Then why does he stay there?" Monica sighed as she stood up. "I want a cup of coffee. Want to come?"

"You know I'm always down for some coffee," Lucia chuckled. "And he stays in Montana because he's taking care of his mother. His father died, and Potato Guy's really the only family she has."

"Oh, he's so sweet." Monica rolled her eyes slightly. "You can tell me all about it on the way to get coffee, but I need my caffeine."

"Alright," Lucia sighed. "God, I'm so tired. I stayed up so late last night. I was watching a movie and I was fine until Elizabeth turned Darcy down in the rain and then I broke down crying for three hours. I'm going to be single forever."

They shared a good laugh as they left the house.

"You watched Pride and Prejudice without me?" Monica nudged her friend. "We could have been crying together. I watched Mr. Thornton pine over Margaret."

Lucia rolled her eyes teasingly. "You're so obsessed with North and South. I feel like that's all I ever hear about these days. By the way, is Denny working at the café today? He makes that great latte."

"I don't know. Maybe," Monica shrugged, looking at some of the stores they passed.

"I haven't seen Denny in awhile. Has he been doing those ridiculous experiments again?"

Monica shrugged. "Must have been experimenting on his phone, because he hasn't returned my calls."

"Again? How many times have we told him not to light his phone on fire?" Lucia sighed. "That case is waterproof, not fireproof."

Monica laughed. "Maybe he should invent a fireproof case."

"He tried last month, remember? He destroyed three phones and one of them was mine. Why does he always use my stuff in his experiments?"
Lucia moaned.  

Monica chuckled as they talked until they entered the cafe, Java Shot.

The two friends looked for another member of their party, Denny Joseph.

"There he is." Lucia pointed to a tall, young man with brown hair, eyes to match, and a pair of large, black glasses, who was intently reading a book. "Denny!" She called, waving frantically.

Denny looked up from his science book and smiled broadly. "Hey girls."

"Hi," Lucia smiled.

Denny put his book down and they sat together at the table.

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