Chapter 11: A Kiss Between Friends

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Potato Guy's letter once again didn't come and Lucia felt nervous. Was it something she said? Did she write too many letters and he was tired of her? Did he not like her?

Lucia loved writing to someone who listened and gave advice without telling her what to do. It made her feel really good and she felt heard.

Potato Guy always wrote back. What had happened?

Lucia gave a sigh and went into the coffee shop. "Hey, Denny. Hey, Jonah," she said as she opened the door. "JoJo, don't you have another interview today?"

Jonah nodded. "At the zoo."

"Why the zoo?" Lucia frowned.

"They needed another monkey," Denny laughed.

Jonah nudged him. "No. It's a seasonal job to just give me some extra cash to keep me afloat."

"A seasonal job as a monkey?" Lucia laughed.

"No. Forget the monkey," Jonah huffed. "I'm interviewing to be a tour guide."

"For the monkey habitat?"


Lucia laughed heartily. "Sorry, JoJo. Couldn't resist."

"JoJo?" Denny chuckled.

"Don't you call me that," Jonah said pointedly.

"Oh, come on, JoJo. Don't be like that," Denny laughed.

"Stop," Jonah huffed.

"Oh, don't get mad, JoJo. If I knew you were mad, oh, I'd just die," Denny teased in a fake Southern female accent.

Jonah huffed and punched his friend in the arm.

"Ow," Denny frowned.

"Stop it."

"Oh, come on, it's fun," Lucia chuckled.

"No one calls me JoJo."

"Except me," Lucia grinned.

Jonah nodded slightly.

"You're so cute when you're mad," Lucia said teasingly, pinching his cheeks.

Jonah huffed but smiled a little.

"She's right...JoJo," Denny grinned.

"Who's JoJo?" Monica laughed as she came in, setting her purse down on a chair.

"That's what we call Jonah now," Denny nodded.

"Why do you guys insist on torturing me?" Jonah sighed.

"Because we love you," Lucia chuckled. "And we're your friends. It's in the job description."


"Hey, you know, Denny and I were planning on going mini golfing. Why don't we all go?"

"I could use a distraction," Monica smiled.

"What do you say, JoJo?" Denny grinned. "Gonna join us?"

"Fine. I do have my interview at three, though."

"Perfect," Lucia nodded. "I'll drive."

They got their drinks to go and headed off.


"Nice shot, Denny," Lucia smiled.

"Thanks," Denny smiled, stepping back.

"Although," Lucia smirked, "you've yet to get a hole in one."

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