Chapter 17: I Feel Trapped

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"Good morning," Lucia smiled.

"Morning, Lucia." Denny waved. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Lucia nodded. "What about you? How're you feeling?"

"Much better," Denny smiled. "I might manage another bologna sandwich."

"Oh, no. That's not happening," Lucia chuckled.

"Why not? It's my stomach."

"Yes, but I'm your nurse, and I say no."

"You are not my nurse. I'll ask my actual nurse."

"And who's that?" Lucia frowned.

"Paisley," Denny said smugly.

"How'd you get Paisley's number?"

"I'm a stud," Denny smirked.

"Yeah, sure you are," Lucia chuckled.

"Hey!" Denny said, faking offense.

"Careful. You don't want to strain yourself with that bad acting," Lucia smirked. "Seriously though, you should be resting."

Denny shrugged.

"Do you want to get better or not?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then rest. Sit on the couch. Or on the stool right there so that I can watch you."

Denny huffed. "I'm not five."

"Mentally, you are. Sit," Lucia chuckled.

Denny obeyed and laid out on the couch. "I'm bored," he whined.

"Read a book."

"But that's boring."

"Do you want me to put on a movie?"

"You can, but I've gone through Netflix. Why can't we go out?"

"Because you need to rest."

Denny sighed. "I feel trapped."

"I'll take you out for a drive later. I have to drop Sean off at the airport, anyway."

Denny smiled brightly then his smile faltered. "You bummed he's leaving?"

"Yeah," Lucia nodded. "But hopefully I can talk him into coming back soon."

"I'm sure you won't have to try too hard," Denny chuckled.

"I hope not," Lucia chuckled.

Denny smiled brightly again. "When does he leave?"

"Go get dressed. We leave in twenty minutes. Sean got up early and took my car back to my place to pack. He'll be back any minute now."

Denny got up and went to his room.

"And be careful!" Lucia called after him.

"I'm twenty!" He called back.

"You're mentally a five-year-old!"

"That's beside the point!"

"No, not really!"

Denny chuckled to himself as he changed.

Soon after, Sean came back and Lucia helped Denny into the car. Sean and Denny sat up front and headed off to the airport.

Once they arrived, Lucia got out with Sean and walked him inside. He got to the front desk and gave her a hug. "Lucia, I am thrilled it was you. And that we didn't lose it."

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