Chapter 21: She Kissed Me

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"Oh, Denny, you look perfect," Lucia smiled.

"Thanks, Lucia. I suppose I look good all cleaned up." Denny checked his appearance in the mirror.

"Yes, you do," Lucia nodded. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, I am," Denny nodded.

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I hope so."

"Where are you taking her?"

"I gave her two options. Italian or American."

"And which did she choose? I'm assuming Italian."

"American, actually."

Lucia hummed. "Okay. Wonderful."

"Yeah, I'm excited for a hamburger."

"Okay, just don't be too sloppy when you eat it," Lucia chuckled. "I know you."

"I promise, I'll be careful."

"Alright," Lucia smiled. "Do you have your wallet?"

Denny checked and paused. "Nice catch!" He sauntered off to grab it.

"Make sure you have your phone too."

Denny showed it to her.

"Okay, perfect. I'll be here, waiting for Paisley to call and say you're in the hospital," Lucia teased.

"She'd be able to help me."

"Not exactly. A nurse can only do so much without the needed medical supplies. Bottom line: be careful."

"I will. Thanks, Mom," Denny chuckled, opening the door.

"Be back by curfew" Lucia teased, kissing his cheek. "Have fun."

"Bye, Mom!" Denny left.

Lucia rolled her eyes, laughing slightly as she sat down on the couch. "Hey," she texted Sean. "I miss you. What are you up to?"

"Nothing much. Just finished work," Sean texted back.

"Sweet. Denny just left for his date with Paisley, so I'm alone. Thinking about maybe taking some of my stuff back home."

"Yeah? We could video chat, if you want."

"I'd love that," Lucia sent with a smiling emoji. "Are you free now?"

"Um...let me drive home."

"Okay. Just text me when you're home." Lucia quickly ran a brush through her hair and put on a bit of makeup.

A few minutes later, Sean texted that he was ready.

Lucia flopped down onto the couch and FaceTimed him. "Hi," she smiled.

"Hey, beautiful."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. Tell me about your week"

"Well, I found out that Denny doesn't like coffee," Lucia sighed. "Other than that, life's been pretty boring."

"Yeah? Same here."

"You should come visit again."

"Maybe I will. I picked up another job, though."

"Really? What for?"

"Some unexpected expenses."

"Oh?" Lucia frowned.

"Yeah. But it's no big deal."

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