Chapter 10: A Few Scrapes

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"Hi, Denny," Lucia sighed.

Denny smiled and sat with her. "Why the long face, Luci?"

"Monica refuses to speak to me. Plus, I wrote Potato Guy three weeks ago. He still hasn't gotten back to me."

"Really? Think he's busy?"

"He's never too busy to write to me."

"I guess...and things are still sour with Monica, huh?"

"Sadly," Lucia sighed. "She still doesn't believe me. I know what I heard, Denny. Plus, when I confronted Kyle, he admitted to it. He told me that Monica wouldn't believe me."

"I believe you, Lucia. In the end, though, you'll work it out. I know you will," Denny smiled reassuringly.

Lucia embraced him tightly. "Thanks, Denny."

Denny smiled more and rubbed her back. "If he is bad, then she'll find out."

"I hope you're right," Lucia sighed. "Do you want to go do something?"

"Sure. Let's go blading."

"Alright," Lucia smiled. "I'll drive."

Denny nodded and they left.

Lucia drove to the park and easily found a space in the parking lot. "I haven't gone blading in ages," she chuckled.

"Yeah. It's great exercise."

"I used to do it with my mom all the time when I was young," Lucia smiled sadly.

"Yeah? I mean, if you want to do something else then that's fine."

"No, no, it's okay. I want to," Lucia nodded. "Let's go. And uh, feel free to laugh at me if I fall."

"Same here."

"Thanks," Lucia chuckled.

They went over to a hut and rented a couple pairs of roller blades before sitting down on a nearby bench.

Lucia laughed slightly, lacing up her roller blades and slowly standing up. "I feel like I'm gonna fall over."

Denny grasped her forearms."I got you."

"Thanks," Lucia smiled.

"Of course." Denny stood steadily on his skates.

Lucia cautiously let go and pushed off with her right foot. "Okay, help," she chuckled.

Denny smiled and took her hand, skating beside her.

"Should we try going down a trail?"

"Sure. But I'll hold onto you."

"Okay," Lucia nodded, skating off as Denny held her hand.

Denny smiled and they kept skating together down a trail through the park.

"It's really peaceful out here," Lucia noted.

"It is. It's nice."

"Yeah," Lucia smiled. "Oh, be careful. The path looks a little bumpy up ahead."

Denny nodded and ignored it.

" think Kyle will tell Monica about the other girl?"

"I doubt it. It'd be stupid."

"Yeah," Lucia sighed. "Let's talk about something else. Do you have any plans next this weekend?"

"No. Just work."

"I was thinking maybe we could go to The Hole Shebang and do a round of mini golf."

"Yeah. I'd really like that."

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