Chapter 23: You're an Amazing Woman

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"Morning, Denny," Lucia sighed, tying her apron. "Gosh, I'm exhausted. I stayed up way too late last night."

"Morning. What were you doing?" Denny asked with interest.

"Online shopping."

"Oh, Lucia. You know how impulsive you can be." Denny shook his head. "Bad time to be impulsive."

"Yes, very," Lucia chuckled.

"Were you sad or something?"

"Nah. Just felt like shopping. Found a cute yellow dress that I bought."

", I guess."

Lucia chuckled slightly. "Yeah. So, what are your plans for after work? Are you going to see Paisley again?"

"Maybe. I might bring her lunch."

"That's sweet," Lucia smiled. "I'm going to pick up the dress I bought. It was in stock at Daisy's, so I just have to go get it. Other than that, I have no plans."

"Very nice. Spend time with Monica?"

"She's on a day trip with Jonah."

"Oh, I see. Well you're welcome to come with me, if you want. You could call Sean."

"Sean's working today," Lucia sighed. "Look, I really don't want to crash your date, so I can just hang out on my own."

"Paisley's working, so I'm just dropping lunch. You can come if you want or just hang by yourself. It's up to you," Denny said as he left to take care of a customer. When he came back he then said, "Lucia, I forgot. I have another errand I gotta run. Maybe tomorrow we'll be together."

"Oh, alright."


"It's okay," Lucia shrugged.

Denny smiled a little and finished the drink for a customer.


Monica twirled her blonde hair around her finger. "Are we almost there?"

"Yes. Patience, my Dear," Jonah chuckled while driving.

"I'm just so glad to be able to spend the day with you."

"I'm glad too."

Monica smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Don't distract the driver," Jonah chastised playfully. "You ready to kayak and hike?"

"So ready," Monica grinned.

"I love getting out of the city."

"Me too."

"You want to move?

"No. I just like vacations every once in awhile."

Jonah smiled. "I'd love to move into the woods."

"I'd never be able to do it. I'm a city girl."

"I like the city too. Good for you."

"Thanks," Monica chuckled. "I say that we hike first and then kayak."

"To cool down. Nice idea."

"Why, thank you."

Jonah nodded.

About ten minutes later, they arrived at their destination.

Monica hopped out of the car. "Oh god, it's hot."

Jonah chuckled and tossed the sunscreen at her while he smeared it on his face.

"You look like Frosty the Snowman," Monica chuckled.

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