Chapter 7: Fake Boyfriend

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Lucia tied her apron and began to make an espresso. "Hi, Denny," she huffed.

"Hey, Lucia," Denny smiled.

"Potato Guy's mom is getting worse."

"Oh, really?" Denny asked, putting on his own apron.

"Yeah. Plus, Monica went out on another date with that guy last night," Lucia sighed.

"Good for her."

"That guy gives me a bad feeling."

"You're very cautious, Lucia, but it's her life," Denny reminded, taking a place next to her.

"But she's my best friend. She doesn't have parents to do these things, therefore, it's my job."

"But it's still her life."

"That doesn't mean I have to like the guy."

"True, but you have to be supportive. I am."

"Fine," Lucia grumbled. "Wanna see a movie later? Monica's inviting Kyle over to the apartment and I'd rather not be there."

"Okay. We can, but maybe it'd be good for you to be with them. Then you can watch."

"Watch them be all gross and lovey and rub it in my single face? No, thanks."

"You can watch for any warning signs. I can come, if you want."

"Thanks," Lucia smiled. "Hey, what if we totally crash their date and invite Jonah too?"

"Um...we could, but Monica would be mad."

"Exactly. It'll be fun," Lucia chuckled.

"No, Lucia," Denny said firmly.

"Fine," she pouted.

"We don't want to make Monica angry just because you're hostile."

"But then Jonah will be all hurt that we didn't invited him and he'll make up some fatal disease so that we feel bad for him."

Denny sighed. "Maybe I'll go be with Monica and you can go to Jonah's."

"Nope. No way. Not happening."

"Why not?" Denny huffed.

"Because Jonah likes me, and if I go over there, he'll read something into it, when in reality, I don't like him at all. I'm in love with Potato Guy. Er...I mean-" Lucia stammered.

"Then I'll go to Jonah's," Denny shrugged, avoiding her last statement.

"But I need you with me," Lucia moaned.

"Lucia..." Denny huffed. "Fine. The three of us will go."

"Thank you," Lucia grinned. "How's your hand?"

Denny looked down at his bandaged hand. "It'll be fine."

"I'm still coming over to take out the stitches later, yeah?"

"I guess."

"You nervous?" Lucia chuckled.

"Uh, yeah," Denny replied, steaming the milk in the machine.

"It's nothing to worry about. Doesn't hurt at all. Trust me."

"You positive?"

"I mean, it might be a little uncomfortable, but it shouldn't hurt," Lucia shrugged. "Just trust me, alright?"

"Okay," Denny nodded, finishing making the drink for a customer.


Lucia cleaned a pair of scissors. "Ready to get those stitches out?"

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