Chapter 16: The Spicy Taco

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"Hey, guys," Lucia smiled.

Monica smiled back. "Hey."

Lucia kissed Sean's cheek. "Hi, Babe."

"Hey. How's the patient?" Sean went to Denny's side.

Denny moaned drowsily.

"Still a little out of it," Lucia chuckled.

"Well, I am sure it was a success."

"Yes, it was," Lucia nodded.

"Good. He'll feel better."

"Yeah," Lucia sighed. "Poor guy."

Sean smiled at Denny. "Nice of you to stay," he said, speaking to Lucia.

"Well, he's the closest thing I have to a little brother, so it's my job to care for him."

"I think it's important that you do."

"Yeah, it is," Lucia nodded. "Do you know where Jonah is?"

"Jonah's coming," Monica answered.

"Alright. Gosh, I'm starving."

"You can go to the cafeteria."

"But hospital food sucks," Lucia chuckled. "Can we order a pizza or something?"

"I'll take you for Chinese," Sean offered.

"Okay. Can you pull up the car?"

"Yeah. I'll be back."


Sean left to retrieve the car.

"I'll watch over Denny," Monica nodded.

"Thanks." Lucia grasped Denny's hand gently. "I'm going to leave for a little bit, but Monica's going to stay here with you, okay?" She said softly.

"Okay," Denny said quietly.

Lucia kissed his forehead. "I'll be back soon. Love ya, Hon."

Denny smiled at Monica. "Hey, Mon."

"Hi," Monica chuckled, waving at Lucia as she left. "How ya feeling, Denny?"


"That's too bad. Hopefully you'll be back up on your feet soon."

"Yeah. He said that I might go home tomorrow."

"Yeah? Well, that's good news."

Five minutes later, Jonah came into the room. "Hi, Hon," he said softly, kissing Monica's cheek.

"Hey, Babe," She smiled.

"How's the patient?" Jonah asked Denny.


"I'd imagine," Jonah nodded. "Surgery went well, though?"

"Yeah," Denny nodded.

"That's good," Jonah smiled.


"This food is delicious," Lucia smiled.

"I'm glad I could get you out of the hospital," Sean smiled, eating his lo mein.

"Yeah," Lucia nodded. "I hate that place."

"I get it. I spent a bit of time in them myself."

"Yeah...listen, would you mind if I spend part of tomorrow with Denny? I'll have to take him home and make sure he's settled in."

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