Chapter 4: Bounce House

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Lucia wiped off the counter and sighed. She was about to finish her shift and wanted to go do a little shopping with her friends.

Denny was busy, and Monica was working. Last one would be Jonah. But would he be available? She could just go alone and do some shopping by herself, but where's the fun in that?

Lucia gave a thoughtful little frown and asked, "Hey, Mon, when's your shift end?"

"Not for another two hours," Monica sighed. "I was late getting here, so the boss is making me work longer."

"He's such a jerk," Lucia muttered under her breath.

"Hey, do you know where Denny is?" Monica asked with a frown. "I haven't seen him today."

"He went home early. Said he had an experiment he wants to do," Lucia nodded. "I think I'll go over and see if he wants help."

"You best do that. Denny's so accident prone. He shouldn't experiment alone."

"Mhm," Lucia chuckled. "See you later!"

Monica waved.

Lucia got in her car and drove over to Denny's apartment. She circled around to back of the building only to find huge bouncy castle. "Denny?" She called loudly.

Denny was bouncing inside and peeked out an opening near the top. "Hi!"

"What are you doing?" Lucia laughed.


"What's the experiment?"

"Something with gravity."

"Oh, dear," Lucia chuckled. "Anything I can help with?"

Denny shrugged. "Come bounce around."

Lucia kicked off her shoes and crawled inside. "What's the point of this?" She asked as she began to jump.

"I will be taking various things and testing their bouncing abilities and velocities."

"Nice," Lucia nodded. "Is a human being one of them, or is this just for fun?"

"Just getting my use out of it."

Lucia chuckled. "Just out of curiosity, how long have you been jumping?"

"Only three hours," Denny smiled as he did a flip.

"Denny," Lucia laughed, "be careful."

"I used to bounce like this all the-" Denny hit the outer edge and fell, his shoulder sinking under his weight.

"Oh, god, are you okay?"

Denny groaned and rolled towards the middle of the bounce house, gripping his shoulder.

Lucia knelt down beside him. "What's wrong?"

"My shoulder," Denny whimpered.

"Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Lucia sighed.

"No...I'll be fine." Denny sat up, and by the look on his face, he was clearly in pain.

"Honey, I think maybe you should get it looked at," Lucia said softly.

"I'm fine, Luci."

"You're clearly not."

"Don't go to the hospital," Denny sighed. "Just to Urgent Care."

"Alright," Lucia nodded as she helped him up, being careful not to hurt him. "Gosh, Denny, how do you manage these things?"

"Ugh," was all he could say.

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