Chapter Hundred: Kidnapping - Part I

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Six months later (more precisely the twenty-fourth of December, btw the choice of this precise date is totally arbitrary), Mai was giving birth to her second child. 

But this time it didn't happen in the hospital, and neither Tsunade, or Sakura were there to help Mai give birth. There were only Shizune, Akira, and Karin. 

Mai still hadn't dared tell the truth to anyone about her baby. She knew it would have to break sooner or later. But she had preferred to wait after the baby's birth. She and Kakashi had decided for reasons of security that the baby's birth should be as secret as possible. Even if no one was supposed to know. As they say, you can never be too careful. 

And unlike the first time when Mai had given birth; this time her giving birth was much, much more difficult than expected. 

This pregnancy had been more painful and exhausting than when she had been carrying Kei into her womb. 

"Come on, Mai! Push!" Shizune shouted. 

"No...! I can't take it... anymore!" Mai cried in pain, and totally breathless. 

"I know Mai! One more push and it will be all good!" Shizune said to her. 

Akira had been giving her Kurama's chakra while Karin had been helping with her heal bite. 

"Come on, Mai" Shizune insisted. "Breathe! Take a deep breath and then push!"

Mai did breathe and as she was pushing she screamed in pain as if she were agonising. Her screams were quickly replaced by feeble cries.

Shizune was surprised as her eyes landed on the tiny being, mainly because of the baby's hair colour. 

"It's...It's a boy, Mai," she then said softly after checking his sex. 

"Can you sense this huge quantity of chakra in him? That's really unbelievable... Hadn't we been here to help her, she could have died..." Karin pointed out. 

"Yeah..." Akira trailed off with a concerned look on her face.

But Mai could only be relieved. After nine long hours of labour, her suffering was finally over. 

Night had already fallen by the time the baby boy was born. 

"Akira, could you please go see Tsunade-Sama at the hospital and tell her the baby is finally here?" Shizune asked the Uzumaki girl. 

"Yes, of course."

Kakashi was currently away for a mission, so he couldn't be there, and as for the Slug Princess, she was detained at the hospital, busy curing some case of serious illness. Of course, she would have wanted to be there with her daughter to see her second grandchild, but as a medic and since Mai couldn't help, she had had no other choice than to deal with it. 

Akira left the room swiftly to go find her. 

"Oh my God, he is so cute! He looks just like you, Mai, I mean in terms of facial features. It's funny though, he's got my eyes and hair!"

A small but strained smile spread across Mai's lips. This time, Naruto had been right. 

But she was much too tired to even move. 

Beads of sweat were rolling down across her whole body as her heavy panting could be heard across the room. 

"Here you go, Mai," Shizune said softly as she lied the baby down next to Mai. 

The mother hardly had the strength to turn around to face him. She let out a happy sigh as her eyes met his. 

"Do you know what you want to name him?" Shizune asked her. 

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