Chapter three: Entering the Academy

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Tomorrow had finally come. Way too fast to Mai's dislike. The night had seemed so short to her. And she was still feeling tired. But she had to get ready to go to the Academy anyway. 

Mai made a face. Kaa-san could have told that to me much earlier.  She sincerely hoped other kids would be nice. How was she even supposed to behave with them ? She had never talked with a child for real. Yes, she was a child herself so logically should know what behavior she should adopt. But after all, even if kids stay kids, they still may have personalities that differ. You couldn't know until you saw them.

Mai sighed tiredly but nonetheless got ready quickly before making her way towards the living room where Jiriya was sitting.  She noticed he was writing something, though she couldn't see what. And she didn't inquire him about it, she guessed it was personal. 

Jiraiya didn't even notice her coming his way. The child was so quiet and the man was so engrossed in his book that he didn't even sense her chakra. Mai stood in front of him for a little while, not sure whether she should disturb him or not, somehow fearing the man's reaction. It seemed to be so important. She glanced at the table where he was sitting and saw the food put on her side. She wondered whether it was for her or not. After all, he could have put it aside while he was working on his book so that he could eat it later, who knows. She didn't like much the idea of standing rooted to the spot, so she eventually coughed slightly to catch Jiraiya's attention. 

Said man stopped what he was doing and looked at Mai, noticing she was already ready to go to the Academy. 

" Good thing you're ready. Here's your breakfast, try to eat it as quick as possible. We have one important thing to do before you go to the Academy. " Jiraiya said very earnestly. 

Mai looked at the food again and then at Jiraiya before nodding shyly and sitting quietly to do as she was told. She wondered what that important thing to do could be but she didn't really dare ask him. Anyway she would know it soon.

After having eaten her breakfast quite quickly, which somewhat surprised Jiraiya- Yes, because Mai was really hungry and seemed to have a good appetite- the two left the house without waiting anymore. 


 As Jiraiya and Mai were walking at a steady pace through the village they finally stopped in front of a specific building. It was bigger than all the other buildings Mai had seen in Konoha until now. To her it looked like a kind of tower, but rather a weird one. 

" What is it ? " Mai asked curiously.

" It is the Hokage Residence. Where the Hokage lives and works. " 

Mai was impressed to say the least. So that's where her great-grandfather had lived. Thinking about him, she wondered who the Hokage was now and what kind of man he was. 

" And  who is the Hokage now ? "

" You're going to meet him now so please don't worry. He's a very kind and careful man. An old man who also used to be my sensei when I was younger and your mother's sensei as well. He himself used to be the student of the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, the brother of the Shodai-Sama, so your great-granduncle. "

Mai was speechless once again. Never would she have thought her great-grandfather had a brother. Let alone that he had succeeded him as the Hokage. 

So that man was logically the third Hokage, right ? 

She gulped nervously, she didn't feel ready yet to meet such a great and imposing man as the Hokage. Why couldn't it wait ? Why was it so urgent ? What was he going to tell her ? Mai didn't feel reassured at all. Having to go to the Academy was already stressful enough, she didn't need that right now. 

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