Chapter Eighty-Three: Madara Uchiha

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A/N: so this chapter starts when Tsunade meets Dan again in her subconscious. Enjoy!!

"It's been too long. It's me, Tsunade. Dan."

The man smiled at her warmly while Tsunade was wide-eyed. 

"Dan! How can you be here?!"

"You haven't changed at all, Tsunade," Dan said smiling again.

"Dan... I..."

"There's no time to wallow in sentimentalities. I have to go."

"But..." Tsunade trailed off sadly. 

She thought about what he had once told her.

"After you died, I spent so long running from my memories from you.... But I changed! Now I have another chance to make sure you have no regrets and nothing left undone! But...."

"Thank you Tsunade," Dan said softly.

Tsunade gave Dan a puzzled look. 

"Thank you for making me a father."

Tsunade was left completely speechless now. 

How could he know he had a daughter? 

"That's the most beautiful gift you could ever give me."


Tsunade couldn't find the right words to say now. And without even realising it, tears were pricking her eyes. 

"Dan...." she called his name desperately. 

"I'm so sorry...." she trailed off, her voice filled with pain. "I was a terrible mother....!"

Now Dan wasn't smiling anymore.

"Mai reminded me so much of you....! And... I....I...."

"Tsunade, please, calm down, it's okay."

".....You.... You weren't there... And... I felt I couldn't raise her on my own...."

"I know. I really caused you a lot of pain.... I'm sorry," Dan said upset. 


"But despite all the hardships she went through, she grew up into a fine and strong woman, just like you," Dan stated, smiling once again. 

"But.... How...."

"I could meet her on the battlefield."

"You did?! But...."

So this meant Mai was....

"Is she alright?!" Tsunade asked him all panicky. 

"Yes, for now she is...." Dan replied, frowning slightly. 

Tsunade gave him a questioning look, her eyes full of fear and anxiety. 

"But she plans on fighting Madara herself....." Dan explained. "And I think it shouldn't be that long before she joins you..." 


Tsunade really looked horrified. 

"I know you want to protect her at all cost, but she'll do the same...."


"I just don't want anything to happen to any of you."



"I'll be waiting for you on the other side, but don't come too quickly. Mai and Kei still need you. Mai already grew up without me, and if she were to lose you....."

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