Chapter Eighty-One: Chichi

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Mai had been remaining motionless for quite a long time as she was still trapped in Obito's dimension. 

She still couldn't believe that this man was actually Obito. 

She had thought that him showing his real face to her had been only a nightmare, but soon after she had been sent there, she had thought again about what he had said. And no, she had realized that it hadn't been a nightmare....

Mai had been so upset, and so lost and confused, so much so she hadn't been able to get a grip on herself.... That is until now... 

The words that had kept replaying in her mind were: How? Why? 

How could he have been saved? 

Why had he become like that? 

This man wasn't the Obito she had known as a child. No, this was... A real monster...

The Obito she knew wanted to become Hokage. He was kind and sometimes impulsive, but..... he wasn't like that....

But now, she managed to connect the dots. It all came as a sort of sudden epiphany.

He had claimed to be Madara Uchiha....

So, her great-grandfather hadn't killed Madara.... And apparently he had been still alive when he had saved Obito. 

There was no other explanation in Mai's mind.... That sounded crazy, but no one else could have saved Obito....

But why.... Why had he done that to Obito?  Why had he made him become the man he is today? 

This project.... She could never let that happen.

And now Kabuto possessed Madara's corpse, and could reanimate him at any time.... 

Things were even worse now, and she had been able to do nothing once again. 

She couldn't stay here any longer wallowing again. She needed to get out of here now. 

So she took one of her Flying Thunder God kunai out of her back pouch. She still had no idea whether it would work or not, but this time she really had to have a try. 

Before using the teleportation Jutsu, she activated her Byakugō no Jutsu so she could have more chakra.

"Let's see if it works or not...." 

And with that being said, she performed the Flying Thunder God technique.

And..................... (suspense.........)..........................................

 In the end it worked. 

Yet, it took her a lot of time and a lot of chakra. 

She ended up landing next to Shikamaru. (So now, this is the very beginning of the war, when the White Zetsu and Edo Tensei began attacking)

"It's...." Ino trailed off.


Mai looked around where they were. She noticed the White Zetsu arriving from the sea in their direction. Not only them, but other people too, probably Edo Tensei. And one of them caught her attention.


"What are you doing here?" Shikamaru said, snapping her out of her thoughts. 

"Oh, well, I wanted to infiltrate the Akatsuki but things didn't happen as I had planned... It's a bit complicated to explain, and we don't really have time for that now, do we?" she said before putting her kunai away. 

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