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A/N : This story basically follow the original plot line of the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series even before Naruto was born.

Anyway, enjoy !


Two months had already passed since the end of the second great shinobi war and that's when Tsunade realised she was pregnant. At the beginning when the first signs began showing she thought it was only some kind of sickness linked to depression because of her fiancé's death. But actually it turned out to be the polar opposite.

Because pregnancy was supposed to be seen as something positive right ?

Well in this case not really.

Not only was Dan's death an insurmountabe shock but learning she was bearing his child made the shock even greater, if that was even possible.

Yes, it was.

She could still not believe it. The blond lady kept repeating to herself that it must have been some kind of dream or illusion.

But it wasn't.

She was definitely pregnant. No. She simply couldn't. She would not be able to fulfil her responsibilities. She would not be able to raise that child on her own. How could a child even grow up without a father ? She was sure it would not be able to grow up normally, or worse if that thing was ever to see the light it would certainly grow to hate her or make her responsible for its father's death. And the Sannin would never be able to stand that.

Moreover, she was a ninja, a medic, she already had lots of responsibilities and would never have time to raise the child. And it would also be complicated financially speaking.

No, she was not meant to be a mother and she knew it deep down.

Plus, things would be made even more difficult with the political context. After all, it was the end of war but who knows when another war breaks out ? It could be anytime. It might be soon. This mere thought made Tsunade even more horrified. Above everything else, she did not want her child to grow up in this kind of world.

The shinobi world.

The cruel shinobi world.

The cruel shinobi world where so many innocent people lose their lives everyday because of stupid wars.

And even when they're at peace (well more or less, if it can even becalled 'peace') so many still die because of dangerous missions and leave their families helpless and in mourning for so long.

No. She did not want her child to live in such a world. She did not want to risk to lose it too. Losing her beloved brother and fiancé was already quite enough. Tsunade knew it was selfish but the fact that so many innocent lives had already been taken (especially as regards her family) kept playing in her mind.

If she were ever to lose her child she knew perfectly she would not survive to that. That's why she thought it was best to get rid of it while she could before it was too late, after overthinking and debating it all day and all night long.

It was the best decision to make, after having weighed all the pros and cons, obviously the cons mostly stood out. No, in fact as she told herself many times there were not even any pros. So she was ready to do that and at least she was sure she would not regret it in the end, well at least that's what she thought.

Anyway reality actually made things much more complicated than what they looked. Abortion was rather an unknown concept to the shinobi world. Yes, it never needed to be done and it went so far as to be considered a kind of barbaric and unnatural practice.

Tsunade's daughter (A Naruto original fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora